Critiquing Wes Anderson’s Movie Posters

Wes Anderson’s movie posters have a very specific look to them. And it’s a look that makes me want to punch everyone on the poster and everyone responsible for the poster and maybe even the poster itself.

Here are my smart critiques that I think would really help Wes Anderson and his movies and I’m pretty sure he would agree with me I have a really good eye for art and design.

I did all of this work on Paintbrush. I think I did a good job because it’s not Photoshop it is very limiting but I always do my best when I do things because I really care about things that I do.

Thank you.

Oh also I did not put the Bottle Rocket poster on here because it is the only poster of his that doesn’t look like it was Wes Andersonified I hope that’s okay with everyone.

Thank you again. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Almie Rose

Let’s watch Lost tonight. You can be my black John Locke tonight. My book is available here.

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