woman standing on wooden pavement

Here’s What Each Zodiac Sign Can Expect From The Solar Eclipse In Gemini

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in the sign of Gemini will grace us on June 10th, providing us with some eye-opening experiences as we get ready for this new phase in our lives. This transit is powerful, since it will last for more than 10 months, and it is going to have many signs shifting their gears and setting their sights on greater things. Mutable signs, get ready for your world to be rocked, while air signs will merge with this energy gracefully. Use the energies now to bring more success in your lives through communication, which can bring good connections. This is a transit that should be about letting go and healing.

Aries – The New Moon in Gemini will awaken your communication skills. It is your moment to build confidence in the way you write or speak, as well as grow through a creative activity. With the Moon’s trine to Saturn, you might see that your communication style will evolve into a more mature and patient one.

Taurus – During this New Moon transit, you are going to set your sights on the things that bring you emotional happiness. However, your comfort levels now will be tested. As you set your sights on stability, Uranus in your sign might bring some anxiety, and this transit could add fuel to the fire.

Gemini – With this New Moon in your sign, you will see the shifts in your outlook during this time. Exerting your independence might be on your mind now as you evaluate the changing paths in your life. You are in a new phase that is going to bring opportunities and change. While you want to fly, make sure to take things one day at a time.

Cancer – Eclipse season was centered on the Cancer/Capricorn axis last year. While you experienced changes in your life, now things start to get calmer for you. This transit presents you with the opportunity to build on the foundation from the last eclipses in your sign.

Leo – Connecting will be on your mind as you gain the courage and strength from those around you. This New Moon will have you focusing on your hard work, accomplishments, and the next steps. Make sure to have a strong game plan for the next several months, since victory will surely be yours.

Virgo – While you might enjoy the responsibilities that this New Moon will bring, you are going to have to weigh your options carefully before making any major decisions. If you have felt unfulfilled or need a change of pace at work or with school, you might opt to switch majors or get a new job. This is your moment to also lay the foundation for what you want in the future.

Libra – This transit has you evaluating your relationships with others. With this energy you are going to be more introspective, especially with Saturn making you feel a little more alert about your romantic life and even your friendships. The New Moon will make you prioritize yourself through learning more about what you want in a partner and what you hope to evolve into yourself.

Scorpio – Prepare for some eye-opening experiences with this New Moon transit. It can feel a little uneasy for you, but it is necessary to strengthen yourself and to bring about more abundance and prosperity in the future. Finding the courage to face what is keeping you down will be monumental for you as well.

Sagittarius – This is a powerful time for your sign, since this can allow you to meet new people that can transform your life in the next year. A new change of pace in your life begins. The Eclipse energy is here to clear out the negative experience you may have had with relationships.

Capricorn – Get ready to put your energy into building towards your future. You have your eyes on the prize, and this New Moon is your opportunity to initiate something major with fruitful outputs. This is your moment to make your dreams come true.

Aquarius – As you feel a lot of responsibilities being thrown your way, this New Moon can function like a breath of fresh air. Look to friends and new people you meet to inspire you to relax and take things easier. If you are single, you could meet new potential partners. Those that are coupled will find exciting ways to spend time with their partners.

Pisces – With this New Moon making aspects to Saturn, you can find that discipline you have craved. If you need a routine for work or school, you have the opportunities to make enhancements that will provide you with the tools needed to be more productive and efficient.

About the author

A.T. Nunez

Love astrology and wasting hours writing things I can’t finish.