15 Reasons Why Ben Higgins Is The Best Bachelor EVER

ABC's The Bachelor
ABC’s The Bachelor

1. He’s the perfect combination of adorable and sexy. Did you see his facial expression while dumping Olivia directly after she confessed to being in love with him? His hair was dripping with the perfect amount of poignant mist from the stormy weather, his eyes overflowed with concern like a romance novel and he stared deep into Olivia’s eyes while giving it to her straight – “I don’t think I can reciprocate those feelings.” You better believe it, Olivia. You’ve been Off-Higgined. How could the entire heterosexual female and homosexual male population not want to hug and make-out with him right there?

2. He’s open minded to every kind of woman. This includes a single mom of two little girls, multiple Crazies who quit their jobs to come on the show, several ethnically diverse ladies who he keeps past the first night and identical Barbie doll twins from Las Vegas. He’s willing to pursue relationships with anyone he finds intriguing – no prejudices, no snap judgments and it doesn’t even feel producer-forced. We’ve seen him make out with all of these women just to prove his true feelings for these ladies.

3. He’s a Mama’s Boy and his Mama has a lakefront house. Ben starts his journey by introducing us to his parents that really reminded me of Cindy and Jim Walsh from the original Beverly Hills, 90201. They’re young, still in love and are completely supportive of Ben finding his match on reality television. We learn that Ben’s parents live in a gigantic modern home directly lakeside in Warsaw, Indiana. Not a bad place to visit with your future gorgeous Higgins kids for a trip to Grandma’s house. Speaking of Grandmas, Mama Higgins adores her son so much that she cried after meeting one of the Barbie twins, horrified that Ben might actually be thinking of getting serious with someone whose life goal is to be an NFL Cheerleader.

4. He was the quarterback of the football team and the star of his high school basketball team. He’s who teenage girls dream about taking to their prom. Who doesn’t want to wear a Varsity jacket with the name “Higgins” on the back of it?  He’s got quarterback looks and the good guy personae to make any lady fall hard for him.

5. He loves kids. Did you see him on his recent date at the youth center in his hometown? The kids all adored him and we even got to watch him reach out to a little boy having a tough time. If that doesn’t soften the hearts of ladies everywhere, not much else will. He’s also been extremely open to dating a single mom of two little girls this season.

6. He’s not looking for Hollywood or stardom – at least not yet. In fact, he has plans to stick with his software company as an account manager. Ben’s got his roots in Denver – his job and a home. Yet, I see him wanting to settle down back in Indiana. He hasn’t taken his ladies to Denver – he took them to his original hometown. That seems to be where he wants to end up.

7. He actually believes he’s unlovable – STOP! Can you believe that? Me neither. Yet hearing Ben discuss his previous relationships and learn about his insecurities makes him that much more relatable. Who hasn’t been heartbroken? Even perfect people like Ben can be insecure at times. He’s hot and humble – Amen!

8. He makes each woman feel like she’s the most important woman in the universe. The way he stares deep into each of the lady’s eyes, is step 1. Then he asks them to dig deep and open up. Yes, he knows they’re scared but he wants them to be honest about what they’re thinking and to “let their guard down.” We’ve heard it all before on this show, but somehow Ben makes it original and sincere.

9. His occupation is something other than “Personal Trainer” or “Wrestler.” He’s got an actual job as a software account manager with a LinkedIn account. His brains are in his actual brain, which is a nice change of pace amongst The Bachelor

10. He’s the stereotypical tall, dark and handsome with a heart. Ben’s got looks for days. But he’s most attractive because of the nice guy that he is. He’s articulate, sensitive and caring. He’s taking this process seriously and looks great doing it.

11. He wears his heart on his sleeve – when someone tells him troubling things about another girl – he confronts that girl head on. For better or for worse, he reveals any negative or troubling feedback to the person that’s been targeted. He can’t keep anything inside – which is why we love him. If it’s on his mind, he’s going to bring it up.

12. He’s learned from his predecessor’s mistakes, knows not to make out with a girl in front of the others. He is not thrown off by group dates that potentially could enable him to sneak a kiss with one girl. He knows better. This is also one of the first Bachlelors that hasn’t had any lady come find him after hours for a little romantic rendezvous time. I’m not sure if that’s just these girls’ personalities or if Ben told them – don’t come a-knockin’.

13. Even my husband finds him attractive. He’ll deny it of course, but my husband has started asking me to find out about certain things Ben is wearing. He’s a man’s man (both Ben and my husband). Ben just seems like the kind of guy that has a lot of male buddies and he emulates charisma and charm. It’s rubbing off on heterosexual men too.

14. He always has the perfect thing to say, even at the most awkward moments. Like when he’s on a group date, he just pulls each lady aside and reassures her that she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. He also conveys that he’s been thinking about her, that their spark is still sparkly and glowing and that she’s a special snowflake, only he is able to pull off such a conversation in a way that you immediately reconnect with him and the viewers are drawn in to his perseverance in this process.

15. He makes you love him even more when you dumps you. He’ll never say, “I’m not interested in you,” or “It would never work.” Instead, he blames his heart as if it’s a third person in this party. Ben would totally fall in love with you, but his heart isn’t on the same page. Sorry. One of his more recent break-ups with the identical twin was directly following the twin’s introduction to Ben’s parents. He broke up with her in such a caring and kind way that when it was all done, the only thing the dumped twin could say was, “Whoever ends up with Ben is a very lucky girl.” How many people say that about the person who just broke up with them? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Stacey Becker

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