Sophie Martin

Articles by
Sophie Martin

22 Things That Only Start Making Sense At 22

Now that you’re starting to actually work in professional environments, you understand that a suit every day isn’t actually necessary, and the key is learning to mix cheapo pieces with a few well-made staples.

7 Things Only “The Killing” Fans Know

Every time someone complains about the lack of “strong female characters” on TV, it’s all you can do not to shake them and be like “But look at Linden!! Why aren’t you watching Linden?? She is all the ‘strong, complex female character’ anyone could ever ask for.”

13 Signs You Are A “Happy Relationship Girl”

You genuinely hate all those quotes that girls share about how “If you can’t handle me at my worst, blah blah blah,” because, in your experience, the only relationships that work are the ones where BOTH parties are trying to be the best version of themselves.

13 Dating Dealbreakers Women Should Not Give Up On

We have all dated the guy who is interested in hooking up, and occasionally hanging out together, and keeping it as “casual” as possible. If we are really into the guy, we even pretend to ourselves like this is a real relationship.