Everything Changes, But God’s Love Remains

Ben White
Ben White

2016 has been all about change. It’s been a year of transformation where everything that I thought was steady proved me wrong. The plans I had laid out for myself were clearly never ordained and some of the people in my circle were never given a chair to stay.

Change has happened all around us: new leadership, new jobs and new opportunities. Change is inevitable.

As much as I love to plan my day, it will, at times, be interrupted because things aren’t going to always go as planned. My day will be interrupted by other priorities.

However, I’ve learned that it’s not always about the change itself, it’s usually how we respond to change where the promise lies.

As much as change has happened all around me, I have consistently stood firm through it all. I have held on to believing that it is for a reason. Sure, it’s been a tough year and at times uncomfortable, but it has all been necessary in order to grow into whatever he is calling me towards.

You see, when God is your rock, you can’t be moved by circumstances, you have to be unshakable.

With all the change in this world, the good news is that I know a God who is a constant and never changing. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

It is important to understand that things don’t happen on our timeline because he says, “for everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).”

We have to learn to trust his timing.

I’ve learned the frustration of moving in my own will because I was ready to make things happen but now I am learning to appreciate the quiet moments of sitting at his feet with expectancy to move in his will.

As much as I want to say bye to 2016, I have to also say thank you. Thank you for the new character that’s been built, thank you for the discernment and thank you for bringing me back to alignment with my Heavenly Father. Throughout all of the change that has happened, purpose has been found, visions have been seen and growth has taken place.

So now change won’ be as scary. It won’t seem like a personal attack but more of a personal development for the things to come.

Maybe you have also experienced change this year, I want you to know that better days are ahead as you keep your eyes on your Father. This year has been all about development and growth, as he needed you to be stronger in some areas before He can open certain doors.

As we prepare to close out this year, I pray that you reminisce on the good. Think about where you were in January versus where you are today. You have accomplished much in these last twelve months and there’s so much more ahead of you. Never allow your history to keep you from pursuing the destiny that’s over your life. Don’t underestimate what’s been happening on the inside to prepare you for the blessings that will now come on the outside.

2017, I welcome you with open arms as I know there is so much to be hopeful for as my steps have already been ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Shakia Clark

Shakia is a southerner who enjoys traveling, Pure Barre and trying new local restaurants. The introvert in her, enjoys reading and writing but her extrovert side, enjoys spending time with friends, family and being actively involved in her local community.

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