7 Real-Life Hauntings That Make 'Hill House' Look Like Fucking Disneyland

7 Real-Life Hauntings That Make ‘Hill House’ Look Like Disneyland

There are a lot of hauntings that have taken place in the real world that make Hill House look like nothing.


The Haunting Of Hill House on Netflix was a chilling tale of a family that was haunted – by themselves. Many people found the show to be terrifying. There are a lot of hauntings that have taken place in the real world that make Hill House look like nothing.


Wendy Scofield

Petar Plogojowitz passed away in 1725 in the remote village of Kisiljevo, Serbia. This was a small town, less than 800 people living in it. Plogojowitz later became known as the first real vampire. After Plogojowitz passed away there were nine deaths in this small town. Each person said on their deathbed they were attacked by the corpse of none other than Plogojowitz. After 40 days, they exhumed his body and found new skin cells, that his nails and hair were still growing. Horrifyingly, after priests plunged a stake through his heart, new blood came from his ears and mouth followed by an ear piercing scream.



The Villisca Axe Murder House in Viscilla Iowa. In 1912 Josiah and Sarah Moore, their four children and two guests were bludgeoned to death. This crime is still unsolved. The home is still intact. It has no water or electricity. People spend $400 a night to stay in the house. In 2014 a paranormal investigator stayed at this house. He stabbed himself by the next morning.


Stay With Sallie/Facebook

The Sallie House in Atchison, KS is the case of many legends. Legend has it that a young girl was the victim of a botched appendectomy. In the 90s a family lived in the house. They kept a record of their horrifying experiences. The family mentioned flying objects, apparitions, scratching, gouging and shoving. The more terrifying things happened primarily to the male owner. Paranormal investigators now believe more malevolent spirits have moved into the home.


Paul Sableman – Flickr

The Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, MO is a 33 room house built by William Lemp. In 1904, Lemp’s son Frederick died, and Lemp killed himself. Years later, Lemp’s wife passed away from cancer in the house. William Lemp, Jr shot himself in the same room his father killed himself in 1922. In 1949, Charles Lemp killed his dog in the basement and then killed himself in his bedroom of the home. Afterward, the house became a boarding house. Witnesses have claimed to feel a burning sensation, see and hear slamming doors. The house now hosts a Murder Mystery Dinner every Sunday night.


Bogdan Oporowski

The Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, LA is said to be haunted by 12 ghosts. The Plantation was rumored to be on an Indian burial ground. Built in 1796, the house tells the story of a former slave named Chloe. Chloe allegedly had her ear cut off after she was caught eavesdropping. Chloe’s revenge was killing two of the master’s daughters by poisoning their birthday cake. Chloe then was hanged by fellow slaves. Witnesses have seen Chloe wandering the plantation wearing something to cover her lost ear. People are allowed to visit the plantation for $175 a night.


Cesar Tort

A small cottage in Jaen (a small province in Spain) in the town of Belmez, was built on a burial ground in 1830. This home has a haunting unsolved mystery. Maria Goméz Pereira lived in this home. She says she has seen a face looking at her from the kitchen floor in 1971. It was not a two-dimensional appearance but seemed to be rising from beneath the house. It was almost as if a head was buried right below the kitchen floor. Maria, being afraid of this tried to chip away at the floor to get rid of the face. Instead, there were more face casts showing up- this time of older men and children. Scientists stepped in to take a look. There was no conclusive evidence found.


Reading Tom

Brought back to attention in 2014, the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans, LA comes with a terrifying tale. Madame Marie Delphine LaLaurie was a major socialite. She hosted many parties in her mansion during the 19th century. Two floors above the party scene, horror was unfolding. In 1834, the police came to the home due to a kitchen fire. Rather than only putting out the fire, they found the bodies of mutilated slaves in the attic. The public heard of the disturbing secrets and chased LaLaurie out of the home. She fled to France. After she left, screams were heard in the middle of the night from the house. Thought Catalog Logo Mark