Your Love And Sex Horoscopes For April, Based On Relationship Status
Coupled Libra: Ready for some action? April comes in full bloom and you may want to do to your date what spring does to cherry trees.

(March 21 – April 19)
Single: Hello, lover! Sparks could fly this month with a co-worker or someone in your close circle. Beware of hot charmers who can lure you into almost flings – you may want to guard your heart up to the point you can fully trust someone new.
Coupled: This is a good time to revamp your sexy energies and turn those long hours spent in traffic into opportunities for sexting your soulmate. If you’ve been having difficulties expressing yourself or making your point heard by your loved one, this is also a fantastic moment for one-on-one sessions of listening to each other. Dive deep into sensual conversations, and don’t forget to save the best for last!
(April 20 – May 20)
Single: Happy annual month of rest and retreat, Taurus! While this is a good moment for some self pep talk and spiritual nurturing, a Venus retrograde could shake your grounds really deep in the taking-back-my-love booth. Is he really the one who got away or are you wearing bananas for thorns, Bull? Let’s put it this way – he’s not the one unless he puts effort into all these 12 things.
Coupled: Are you ready for a fall? You’re taking things seriously in love this month, Taurus, and you’re ready to fall in love head over your high heels, better yet – all over again! It’s time for some red blooded action in the boudoir, and some well deserved pampering. If you and your partner have been falling out of touch, this April sheds a light on hot romances, sensual revivals and erotic adventures. Don’t fuss over arguments or quarrels, this month all healing is sexual healing.
(May 21 – June 20)
Single: Make room for new lingerie in your closet and for some extra sexy time this month, Gemini! The stars are talking about a wild ride to the dreamy side of love this April, and that includes finally meeting someone worth channelling your erotic and spiritual powers onto. You may find it easier than ever to succumb to lust and hopeful romances at this time, especially with a touch of providence by month’s end.
Coupled: Venus in retrograde this month might make you and your significant other feel a tad out of sync. If you’ve been too detached in your relationship, you may want to take a look at the grey areas lying between the two of you and ask yourself what is missing and how can you switch them to full blown Technicolor once again. This could also symbolise a period of stagnation – or a time in your life where you have to turn towards your partner and look for the correct answers within instead of in your close environment.
(June 21 – July 22)
Single: Halelujah for you, Cancer! April begins with a power surge in the romantic sector. So long those almost dates, mixed signals and failed commitments – right now the stars are focusing on you and your overall wellness. You might be feeling like the King or Queen of the world right now, and who can blame you? With your sultry, sexy, dreamy look and irresistible charming demeanor, no one can say no to you this month.
Coupled: The heart knows what it wants, and this month, there’s a good chance all relationships under this sign will benefit from honest conversations, truthful revelations and surprising uplifts in the bedroom. Connection is nothing new, Cancer, but this April your sign feel ready to commit once again to the good old things that brought you close to your lover, and even conquer new lands in your adventures together.
(July 23 – August 22)
Single: Lackluster on a loop? Have no fear, April is here to recharge your batteries and revolt that side of you that is all crazy for hot romances. The retrograde may have you feel cautious about your purpose on the dating scene or even malicious towards others this month. Stress no more – you’re going to have a completion. Steer clear about your hopes and goals, and let no one make you feel like you’re not ready to commit right now. We all know what you’re capable of!
Coupled: Somebody stop you, Leo! Or better yet, not. April wakes up all your hormones and turns you into the sex god(dess) who will crash hearts and swipe heads all over the place. It’s not that you like being in control, you just can’t help it, and this month you love being the predator more than you usually do. Your relationship will greatly benefit from this transit, especially if there are any resentments left or underlying issues you’ve postponed to address.
(August 23 – September 22)
Single: Are you headed for La La Land, Virgo? Watch out for old flames and emotional burglars this month – for what’s written in good old sexy memories is not always bound to be accomplished in the stars. You have a green light for communication this April, so wear your feelings on your sleeve and don’t feel obliged to take back a toxic ex or an almost date simply because you’re lacking the confidence to decline.
Coupled: Last month may have brought upon you and your significant other a climax or a difficult transit. If there are things still left unsaid, undone or unclear, this is a good time to trial into some couples’ counseling, a joint healing class or some one-on-one sessions with a therapist. You may find it difficult to purge all the toxic emotions and you may even feel overwhelmed, but by month end, you and your bae will get back to more stable grounds. Remember, Virgo, this month patience is key!
(September 23 – October 22)
Single: April makes you fall in awe with the world all over again. You’re getting back to your charming way of conquering love, and you’ll make a couple victims in the bedroom this month for sure too. Stay away from emotional vampires, old flames and unfinished business this month, as this is a time of reconnecting with yourself and letting go of any heavy baggage you’ve accumulated from past relationships.
Coupled: Ready for some action? April comes in full bloom and you may want to do to your date what spring does to cherry trees. Prepare yourself for a lot of pampering, sexual delights and exploration outside your comfort zone. This is a fantastic time to give and receive love, and your partner will definitely enjoy this uber romantic side of you.
(October 23 – November 21)
Single: Put on your red shoes and dance the blues, Scorpio! It’s high time for some social action, be it in your favourite club, the new gallery in town or by the pool, where the hot prospects are. April sheds a light on new beginnings, favours the single and looking and makes you bulletproof to delusion. Don’t forget to put some sunscreen on while you’re at it, and call your friends to join the party for some heated action!
Coupled: This transit is beneficial for all those coupled Scorpios who felt they have put too much effort in a relationship and only got breadcrumbs from it. It’s a good moment to sit down with yourself and question what is it about your relationship that makes you content, and what could be improved within a reasonable time frame. It could also mark endings, transitions to new romantic prospects or the death of a stale period in your life. Either way, you will have to go through it to get to the other side. Have no fear, you will make it!
(November 22 – December 21)
Single: Code red for bedroom heat! This transit marks the end of a long drought in the romance sector for you, Sag. In fact, you may have to choose from plenty of candidates this month. If you’ve been musing about relocation, taking a different turn in your career or starting your own business, you will benefit from the wisdom of an older fellow, perhaps an authority figure in your life (such as a boss, a co-worker or a spiritual mentor). Moreover, a sudden change of heart can happen this April, so don’t be surprised if you end up dating the least expected person on your list.
Coupled: River deep, mountain high! April is all about travel, moving and co-creating new erotic opportunities in your love life. On a spiritual level, this may mean you are now capable to move on from the past, embark in a more balanced journey in your life or actually decide seeing a relationships therapist. All roads are open for you, Sag, so remember, this month, no matter the turn you take, you will land safely.
(December 22 – January 19)
Single: The road to hell is paved with good intentions, they say, Capri, and this month, while you’re at your most energetic, vibrant and bewildered attitude, you may want to be cautious about hitting the high road with a sexy stranger. Pro tip: instead of spending another bunch of evenings probing online dating, get real about the love business and put yourself out there – either at a social event you’ve been dying to attend or an art show in the hippest new gallery in your town. In doing so, what you see is what you actually get!
Coupled: Have things gone stale in your relationship? Have no fear, power couples are favoured by this transit, and by transit I mean not only a purge of negative emotions but also a fantastic time to lose some accumulated body fat, hit the gym together or covert your office into a yoga studio for one hour each day. The couple who plays together stays together, Capri, and that also applies for merely mortal activities like shopping for groceries together, visiting relatives and taking some weekend rides outside your city.
(January 20 – February 18)
Single: Aloha, long plane rides and Fjords! You’re unsettled again, water bearer, and this spring is the perfect time to hop on a journey to new destinations. If you’re actively looking for love, try something more off the beaten path and check out lavish destinations like Sri Lanka, Iceland or Madagascar. You like to make the best of life, and you will be surprised how many romantic prospects you’ll be able to share these experiences with.
Coupled: Have love, will travel! Coupled Aquarians will navigate this transit with high expectations and their bags already made. April could bring the possibility to relocate together in a surprising corner of the world, a new co-joined project or an interesting opportunity to move further in life. Remember, keep your horses together and adjust your pace to the rhythm of events.
(February 19 – March 20)
Single: Too sexy for your singleness? Don’t worry, while Venus is still retrograde, by mid month you will be confident enough to get back in the dating arena and make some noise. Your sensitivity makes you a great confidante this month, while your ability to listen and give great advice will make you the sexiest person walking into any given room.
Coupled: Takes two to Tango, Pisces, and this month it’s all about falling back in synch with your spouse. Get together for some hot dates outdoors, like those that include not just dinner and a movie, but also dancing, walking barefoot on the beach or a stimulating sport.