To Those Who Make The Difficult Times Easier, Thank You Will Never Be Enough

Thank you for allowing us to share with you the pain and for not judging us. Thank you for listening to us talk for hours about something we’re still trying to comprehend. Thank you for trying to help us understand ourselves and the world a little better when we’re lost. Thank you for making us feel like we still have a beautiful life ahead of us and we deserve to heal.

Thank you for picking up our calls in the middle of the night and for being there when we need a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for being around us when we feel lonely and for forcing us to get back on track so we don’t waste any more time crying over spilled milk. Thank you for being our voice when we can’t speak up and our strength when feel defeated. Thank you for proving to us that we can trust you in a world where trust is perishing. Thank you for showing us what love really looks like and thank you for loving us even when we’re at our lowest.

Thank you for inspiring us to get over our sadness and recreate our favorite memories again. Thank you for joining us on new adventures and singing out loud with us in the car or dancing with us as we shake it all off. Thank you for bringing joy into our lives and reminding us of how grateful we are for you. Thank you for making us laugh again as though we’ve never been hurt.

And last but not least, thank you for truly making a difference in our lives. Thank you for making us believe in love again. Thank you for healing our hearts with your kindness, your loyalty, and your warmth. Thank you for bringing us back to life when we feel dead inside and thank you for being the most beautiful part of our journey. The part that doesn’t change. The part that just gets better with time. The part that we always go back to when we need a break. The part that fuels us to keep going and the part that will always be part of any journey and any milestone and any achievement.

Thank you for being our light and we promise that you can always count on us to show up for you. For the long talks and the difficult conversations. For the dark times and the lonely nights. For the chaos and the mess. For the gloomy days and the rainy nights. For everything you don’t want to go through alone because thanking you will never be enough so please allow us to show you what you mean to us and how special you truly are.

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.