15 Women Reveal Why They Think They Fall For The Wrong Guys
"The ultimate cliché, I think the wrong guys can be so right if they want to, and that's the hope I always hold on to; the day they decide to be right so we can be right for each other."
Rania Naim

1. “I don’t know why I fall for the hard to get type. I think it’s because I like the challenge and trying to get something everyone wants but can’t get.” — Amy, 25
2. “I tend to romanticize any situation. Like, I think he’s going to change for me, or I can fix him and all that jazz. I still believe in that kind of love, you know. The love that changes people for the better.” — Erika, 26
3. “I guess I come on too strong so I think I scare the wrong guys away because they think I’m needy or clingy but I’m just being honest.” — Sandra, 27
4. “I’ve been told I’m too nice so assholes can get away with treating me like shit, but I honestly like being nice to people even if they don’t deserve it.” — Kim, 29
5. “I like the guys who approach me first but for some reason these guys also approach ten other women, so they attract me and then break my heart because they were not that into me.” — Nina, 25
6. “I tend to play the role of the friend first because I think that’s what works best but then, after a while, I think this takes away the sexual chemistry and the guy just keeps it platonic.” — Brittany, 26
7. “I guess you can’t really explain why you fall for someone more than the other, but I like strong, successful and charismatic guys and these guys are usually trouble.” — Nicole, 29
8. “It’s because I always meet them at the club or at a party because that’s where my friends and I go, most of the guys you meet there are probably only looking for one thing.” — Hana, 28
9. “I meet a lot of guys on tinder, still trying to match with someone who actually wants something serious but you could say that they’re mostly just wrong for me.” — Shiva, 25
10. “I’m too forgiving. I give more than one chance, I say too much, I’m always open to give it another try and I think this makes a lot of guys take me for granted but I truly do believe that timing is everything.” — Kate, 23
11. “I know I fall for cocky guys because I lack that kind of confidence, and these guys tend to love themselves more than anyone else.” — Vicky, 22
12. “I act super tough and heartless because I don’t like to show how sensitive I really am and I think that’s why I attract the same type of guys — the ones that will never fall head over heels because they’re also pretending not to care.” — Laura, 29
13. “Ever since college, I always liked the guys who were somehow out of my league or extremely good looking, and these guys are heart breakers because they know they can get any girl they want.” — Tamara, 25
14. “To be honest, I think I just haven’t met anyone good enough for me so I waste my time with these boys because it’s better than being alone, but deep inside, I know I’m never going to fall in love with any of them.” — Maggie, 24
15. “The ultimate cliché, I think the wrong guys can be so right if they want to, and that’s the hope I always hold on to; the day they decide to be right so we can be right for each other.” — Emily, 27.