14 Pieces Of Love Advice These 30-Something Women Wish They’d Learned Sooner


1. “Please, please, please don’t get back to your abusive ex-boyfriend because he will never, ever change and someone better will come along. I promise.” — Nancy, 31


2. “When a guy tells you he’s not ready or he thinks that the timing is not right, please don’t hope that he will eventually change his mind because he won’t and later you’re going to realize that it was all just talk.” — Mai, 35


3. “I guess I would say don’t be afraid to put yourself out there more and date the wrong guys for you because that’s how you’re going to pick the right one. Don’t put so many restrictions on your love life when you’re that young and you have all the time to explore and make mistakes.” — Lisa, 33


4. “If you’re going to do the whole friends with benefits thing or even put yourself in the friend zone, make sure you have zero expectations because more often than not, it will not end the way you wanted it to.” — Jenny, 36


5. “STOP making excuses for the crappy way the boy you like is treating you, no matter what’s going on in his life, if he likes you, he needs to treat you with respect and make an effort to be with you, otherwise, he’s really just fooling you.” — Suzie, 32


6. “If you want to make sure that you’re with the right person, you have to be open to show him all parts of you because if you’re putting up an act, he’ll eventually see it once you guys move in together or get married or take your relationship to the next level. You can’t really hide who you are from someone you’re going to spend years with.” — Brie, 33


7. “NEVER chase a guy, please! I don’t care how many books you read or how many girls tell you it worked for them, just DON’T. It will never last, it will get you what you want temporarily, but it will not get you your ‘forever.’ Guys lose interest and respect when the girl makes herself too available.” — Amina, 37


8. “Believe it or not, I’m still struggling to figure things out, but if I had to give myself one advice, it would be to wait until someone shows clear interest in you instead of falling for sweet nothings. I think it’s less painful when you know someone actually wants you and doesn’t leave you wondering what you mean to him. Even if you break up, at least you know you two were official, no games, no question marks.” — Penelope, 34


9. “Tell the boy how you feel and get an answer because you can waste years waiting for an answer and you’ll have it when he dates someone else. So just make your life easier and know where you stand SOONER than later.” — Cynthia, 35


10. “If you’re going to give your ex a second chance, make sure that he worked hard for it, don’t just let him come back again in your life so easily, because guess what? He will leave easily too. Let him prove to you that he actually changed.” — Denise, 32


11. “Keep your love life PRIVATE and I don’t mean social media private, I mean people private. Don’t underestimate the power of people to destroy your relationship, even the close ones. Not out of ill intentions but just too many conflicting opinions that’s going to mess you up and mess your relationship too.” — Farah, 35


12. “The major takeaway from all my dating disasters in my twenties is “don’t ever feel like you’re not good enough.” Even if you’re dating the president and you’re still waitressing, don’t be intimidated because of his status or his job or his education. The right man will love you regardless, the right man will make you feel like you’re more than enough no matter how ‘important’ he is.” — Maria, 36


13. “If he lets you choose between him and your career, dump him!” — Melissa, 33


14. “Be careful when you fall for the bad boy, I know it’s hard not to when you’re young, but they’re always bad news, even if they love you, they’ll just give you a hard time and make you cry — A LOT. Find someone who is less likely to cheat on you.” — Hana, 34. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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