Here’s What Happens When You Find Yourself Falling For A Girl Who Loves ‘Too Much’


You realize that you’ve never been in love before — the deep, all- encompassing, unconditional love that you can never get enough of.

You learn that the girl who loves too much is not interested in receiving the same love she is giving.

She understands that not everyone has the same capacity. She loves because it’s her nature, it’s her heart and she wants to give it all to you only.

She will open up your heart to all the things you were afraid of. She will make you embrace your vulnerability, she will make you appreciate your softness and she will slowly break down all the barriers you built around your heart so it doesn’t break.

She will introduce you to honesty — she will trust you with all her secrets and she will stay all night to hear yours.

She will make you feel that you can say anything and she will stay because the girl who loves too much doesn’t leave no matter what, the girl who loves too much will always be there in the morning when you open your eyes.

The girl who loves too much is brave, she is not afraid to be the one who cares more, she is not afraid of saying ‘I love you’ first, she is not afraid to show you how much you mean to her and she will always fight relentlessly for you.

The girl who loves too much will give you the love you read about in romance novels, the love you see in movies and the love that only comes once in a lifetime.

The girl who loves too much will give you a fairytale.

The girl who loves too much will never run out of love for you, she will never run out of ways to love you, she will never run out of words to describe your beauty and your imperfections and she will never run out of faith in you, in herself and in your love.

She will make you forget that your heart was ever broken as she slowly patches the broken pieces back together. She will replace your tears with smiles, your fears with faith, your doubts with certainty and she will always make you feel like you’re enough – more than enough.

And she will accept you even when you’re struggling to accept yourself.

The girl who loves too much will help you love yourself.

And sometimes even her too muchness is not enough for her, she will always find ways to love you more, to hold you tighter, to pull you closer and keep you safe.

The girl who loves too much will never stop loving you and it’s only when you fall for the girl who loves too much, that you know what love really feels like. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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