35 Questions To Help You Find Your Calling

 Julian Bialowas
Julian Bialowas

1. What motivates or inspires you?

2. What do you do well naturally and effortlessly?

3. What is the one thing that you do that you always get positive feedback on?

4. What’s the one thing that’s missing in your current life and career?

5. Do you feel like what you’re doing right now is making you happy or bringing you closer to happiness?

6. If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you really be doing?

7. What did you want to be when you were a kid? What was your childhood dream?

8. Who is your role model or who do you look up to when it comes to living a passionate or purposeful life? And what are they doing differently?

9. What do you want to be remembered for? What’s the message you want to leave behind?

10. What activities do you do that make you unaware of time and bring out the best in you?

11. What is the one thing that you won’t get tired of doing every day?

12. What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

13. Is fear the only thing holding you back from finding or living your calling?

14. How supportive are the people around you when it comes to living your passion?

15. Are you listening too much to them and ignoring your gut?

16. Do you believe you have what it takes to follow your passion?

17. If not, what are the tools you need to make you believe in yourself?

18. What is preventing you from following or finding you calling?

19. Are you confusing your job with your purpose?

20. What doesn’t feel like work to you?

21. What do people tell you you’re exceptional at?

22. What talent do you possess that you know sets you apart from everyone else?

23. Would you be able to downsize your expenses and lifestyle so you can truly do what you love?

24. Do you have friends or mentors who are living their calling? How did they do it?

25. Are you saying yes to opportunities and activities that you truly enjoy?

26. Are you connecting with people who are passionate about the same things you’re passionate about?

27. Are you reading books on how to make them happen?

28. Are you actively trying to research how to get started?

29. If you were to quit your job and follow you passion, do you have enough savings to survive for a few months?

30. If not, how can you save up more so you can focus on living your passion?

31. Are you asking for advice or guidance?

32. Are you working on improving your skills or talents so you can stand out?

33. Are you mentally prepared to face rejections or setbacks until you make it happen?

34. Are you willing to ignore the naysayers and be your own source of motivation and encouragement?

35. What’s the worst that could happen if you actually started living our passion? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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