10 Reasons Why People Who Speak Their Minds Are The Happiest

Cole Hutson
Cole Hutson

1. They don’t have to lie or remember their lies. People who speak their minds rarely lie and so they rarely put themselves in awkward situations or worry about covering up the truth with their lies to anyone. They’re always honest no matter what that honesty will cost them.

2. They’re straightforward. They know how to express what they want and they know how to make their intentions clear. They don’t beat around the bush or over think things because they make it a point to know where they stand and let others know where they stand.

3. They can spot fake people right away. They can smell fakeness from a distance and will automatically distance themselves from pretentious people. They see through their masks and they know how to stay away.

4. They sleep better. They make their lives easier by getting things off their chest immediately, or asking the questions that people are afraid to ask or even confronting the people around them if they need to. They don’t hold in the feelings that keep them awake at night.

5. They’re bold. They are not afraid to confront people or call them out, they are not afraid to ask for a raise or openly disagree with their boss. They also know how to stand up for themselves in front of their peers and stand up for their friends if they are being attacked.

6. They make good partners and good friends. Because they are real and honest, they always attract good people into their lives because they can’t stand liars or manipulators. They surround themselves with people who are real and genuine.

7. They are honest with themselves. They know their faults and their weaknesses and they are self-aware of their shortcomings. They will also apologize if they have to and are not afraid to admit that they were wrong.

8. They know how to lead. They say what’s on everyone’s mind and that’s why they often lead people and represent them because they know how to make others feel heard and validated. They like talking on behalf of people who can’t speak their minds.

9. They don’t worry about what people think. They don’t try to keep up appearances or try to please people. They don’t try to get everyone’s attention. They’re happy with a certain group of friends and they will not do things they are not really feeling to fit in – they know how to stand out regardless.

10. They will tell you the truth even if it hurts. They will challenge you to look at situations differently, they will tell you when you are being difficult or unreasonable. They also tell you if they can see something that is not right for you and will clearly state that to you no matter how hard it is. They can be your wake-up call. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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