The Honest Reason Why People Sabotage Their Progress In Life

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Show Notes
- Self-sabotage involves unconscious behaviors that often obstruct our goals. When we self-sabotage, we may be fulfilling unrecognized needs or desires. The problem is we usually don’t realize that we’re doing it.
- Our actions are primarily driven by the desire to stay safe and feel accepted. Most of the time, other motives boil down to one of these two desires too. The desire to stay safe and feel accepted may underpin many of our self-sabotaging behaviors.
- Self-sabotage thrives in our mind’s disconnect. The root of self-sabotage lies in a disconnect between what we say we want and what we desire on a deeper level.
- There are ways to overcome self-sabotage. Identifying and addressing the underlying needs and desires can lead to overcoming self-sabotage. When we really start listening, we can actually start rebuilding our lives to reflect what we actually want.
- We should strive to pursue our authentic desires. Progress and fulfillment come from aligning our actions with our authentic desires, rather than pursuing goals we don’t genuinely want.
Episode Quotes
Self sabotage is simply setting up an unconscious obstruction to meeting our own goal.
Brianna Wiest
We need to start asking ourselves, what kind of life would be too good to be true? Because that’s usually what we want.
Brianna Wiest
The real reason that people sabotage their progress in life is because they do not fundamentally want, at some level, the thing that they think that they want. There is some competing desire within them that’s winning out.
Brianna Wiest
This is the most common question that I hear all of the time, but how do I know what I want? You reflect. You give yourself space. You soul search. You read. You look at what other people around you are doing. You travel if you can.
Brianna Wiest
We need to let go of what we thought we wanted growing up. We need to let go of the idea that we’re failing or we’re not living up to someone else’s idea of who we should be.
Brianna Wiest
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You can find all the books by Brianna Wiest on Shop Catalog here. This podcast series is best listened to in conjunction with Brianna’s best-selling book The Mountain Is You.