Nikita Mor

Lover of personal growth and poetry

5 Reasons Why We Often Settle For Less Than We Deserve

Everything we do is motivated by our desire to avoid pain rather than promote personal and collective growth. We miss out on opportunities because we are so focused on what we would lose if we take them up, rather than what we can potentially gain.

14 Signs Of Immature People Who Really Need To Just Grow Up

They’re very good at judging others and pulling them down, but almost incapable of seeing faults in themselves. They’re in denial of their own weaknesses, and are not willing to admit that they’re human and less than perfect just like everyone else.

Look For A Man Who Loves You For You

Don’t look for a man who puts you on a pedestal, and loves only the pretty parts. Look for a man who loves your authenticity, your rawness and realness.

Ladies, Being Too Nice Won’t Save You

Nice girls are the perfect prey for narcissistic people, both in relationships and workplaces. Narcissists often gaslight and push the blame for their own actions onto women they view as weak.