17 Women In Relationships Share What They Miss Most About Being Single

1. “I miss going out and being able to innocently flirt with really attractive men, but I would never tell my boyfriend that.” —Rachael, 25
2. “My single friends no longer think I’m fun. I miss being the fun one.” —Francine, 27
3. “Kinda miss living by myself. I love my boyfriend, but when you move in together, you have no time to do all your weird habits that you only used to do when you were alone. I rarely ever eat white bread spread with mayo while reading cosmo with a face mask on anymore. If he saw me doing that he’d be like wtf.” —Jess, 26
4. “I miss getting belligerently drunk on weekends and being able to do very regrettable things with little to no shame the next morning.” —Katherine, 25
5. “I was skinnier when I was single. I got a boyfriend and it was like welp 10 extra pounds won’t make a difference.” —Sarah, 27
6. “Caring less about how short my skirt was or how much my boobs were hanging out. If I’m out with my boyfriend and have random men oogling my boobs or ass it’s just awkward.” —Polina, 26
7. “I miss being able to makeout with multiple people in one night.” —Natalie, 24
8. “Dancing on table tops.” —Chloe, 23
9. “I don’t miss my single life because I live it vicariously through all of my single friends.” —Gretchen, 26
10. “I think I just miss knowing that I could do whatever I wanted without consulting someone else. If I wanted to pack my bags and move to Europe, I could. Now I have other things to consider because I choose to be with someone I love.” —Denise, 24
11. “I miss being able to order my first preference for takeout. If I wanted sushi I didn’t have to settle for Mexican, I’d just get the damn sushi.” —Ashlee, 26
12. “Tinder. Messaging 30 different guys at once with no intention of ever meeting any of them, that was fun.” —Tina, 25
13. “I kind of miss the butterflies of a first date. Like when you’d wonder whether or not he’ll ever call you again, and then he texts you that night saying he had a great time and you do it again soon. That’s like the best feeling ever.” —Heidi, 25
14. “I don’t miss anything about being single. Being single was exhausting.” —Bethany, 27
15. “I miss my family continuously questioning why I don’t have a boyfriend, now they know it’s because I don’t like boys, and have a girlfriend.” —Macy, 24
16. “I miss having the bed to myself and being able to sleep like a starfish. My boyfriend says I kick him in my sleep. I’m not asleep when I do that, I’m awake and trying to get you to move the fuck over.” —Elizabeth, 26
17. “Shaving less. When I was single I could have a wild garden down there, now it’s like a grassless lawn, and has to be that way every time we’re together. Plus razor burn friggen sucks.” —Erica, 25