15 20-Something Women Reveal What They’re Thinking When They Sleep With A Guy They Just Met

Joel Sossa
Joel Sossa

1. “I’m thinking, he’s attractive, I’m horny, let’s do this.” —Kara, 24


2. “The only time I sleep with a guy I just met is when I’ve gone through a terrible breakup, and feel a) sad, b) lonely, and c) like I’ll never find another boy to love me ever again. Clearly sleeping with some random is the way to solve these problems.” —Jessica, 26


3. “I’m thinking as long as we’re both consenting adults, what’s the big deal? I’m allowed to have sex with whoever I choose, whether I met him 2 hours ago or 2 months ago.” —Gillian, 25


4. “I like to think that they’ll call or text me again, but that’s usually not the case. I just tell myself that so I can have sex with them.” —Talia, 24


5. “A woman has needs, and sometimes the fact that I just met him, I really don’t give a shit.” —Stacey, 23


6. “I’m thinking, wow my mother would be horribly disappointed in me, and I’m also thinking I’ll never tell my mother about this, ever.” —Corrine, 25


7. “I’m more thinking with my vagina than my brain, but I think I should be allowed to do that every once in a while.” —Ashley, 23


8. “The main two thoughts going through my head are pregnancy and STDs…CONDOMS. I guess that’s three thoughts.” —Lisa, 24


9. “I know it’s casual sex and that no feelings should be involved at all, but at the same time if I’m being completely honest, I still hope that maybe that one night will turn into more nights that delve deeper than just sex. Yes I know that most likely won’t happen, but who knows.” —Danielle, 23


10. “I think about how many drinks I’ve had, and how many more I’ll need to actually go through with it.” —Bethenny, 25


11. “Usually I’m trying to remember his name. I’m terrible with names.” —Jamie, 23


12. “I don’t think much of it. If I’m sleeping with a guy I just met I’m not thinking about whether or not he’ll propose, I’m thinking I’m attracted to him, he’s attracted to me, I want sex, let’s go.” —Nichole, 23


13. “I think about how this is going to affect my number, it’s getting pretty high.” —Hannah, 24


14. “Sounds sad, but it’s sort of a confidence booster. I know there’s probably tons of women who will tell me I shouldn’t use a man for sex to make me feel good about myself, but it’s more a matter of the fact that I’m feeling good enough about myself to hop into bed with a complete stranger who could potentially be a judgmental asshole. It’s not that I’m using him as validation, it’s that I’m feeling hot and I want to show someone just how hot I’m feeling.” —Gia, 24


15. “I’m basically just thinking about what I want. It’s my ‘don’t give a fuck’ moment, and I love having those.” —Rachael, 25 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nicole Tarkoff

Writer based in the Philadelphia area. Person who really loves her dog and watching cooking shows. Check out my writing on Thought Catalog and follow me on Facebook! Connect with me and submit your work on Collective World.

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