Nica Rodriguez

Nica Rodriguez is an 18 year old student in Manila. She loves to write and hopes to publish her own book someday.
Articles by
Nica Rodriguez
To The People We Crush On, But Never Tell
I know that you might never remember or think of me again. Perhaps I’ll always be the girl who wanted a chance at knowing you but wasn’t brave enough to move closer.
To My Fellow Women, Please Remember This
You are a woman and you were made to be respected, understood, and loved, but never forget that you were also made to respect, understand, and love.
Read This If You Need To Remember That Love Is Worth Fighting For
You try your best to fix what had broken, because you simply don’t give up on love without putting on a fight and giving it your best shot.
You Deserve A Love Just Like This
You deserve someone who never forces you to do things you do not want to; someone who trusts you; someone who acknowledges that you have dreams and aspirations, and stays with you while you try to reach them.
17 Pieces Of Self-Care You Have To Learn Before Entering Your Twenties
Time spent to make yourself happy, or smile at the very least, is never a time wasted.
This Is How I Promise To Love You
I will run my fingers through your hair and trace my fingertips across your skin as if I you are a map and I am a traveler eager to explore your every city.