You’re Not Ready For A Future With Me / Imgorthand / Imgorthand

You’re not ready for
late night phone calls on nights that I cannot sleep.
You’re not ready for
tears on a Wednesday night when I’m missing home.
You’re not ready for
my unexpected mood swings.
You’re not ready for
my ridiculous cravings at the most inconvenient hours.
You’re not ready for
constant cuddles without the sex.
You’re not ready for
days that I want space between us.
You’re not ready for
my constant need for your presence.
You’re not ready for
adventures that keep you from sleep.
You’re not ready for
early mornings with me on days you get to sleep in.
You’re not ready for
plans that I make five years from now.
You’re not ready for
a future with me.
You’re not ready for me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Natalie Meza

Natalie Meza is an old soul who is addicted to coffee and falling in love.

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