Monica McDowell

A healer by day and a writer by night, Monica McDowell is a certified Karuna® Usui Reiki Master who has spent countless hours meditating on the virtues of chai lattes and chocolate.
Articles by
Monica McDowell
Why You Need To Detach From Your Emotions Once In Awhile To Lead A Healthy Life
Learning to detach from your emotions is a way to create an empowering awareness that allows you to choose your emotions and therefore your actions.
How We Subconsciously Choose Partners Who Make Us Feel ‘Whole’
We are all healing back into our original wholeness by reintegrating all of our forgotten parts. The more inner integration work that is done, the more choices can be made consciously through thoughts and feelings of love and security rather than subconsciously through thoughts and feelings of lack, limitations and fear.
The Truth About Finding Your ‘Third Eye Vision’ And How It Will Transform Your Life
Third eye vision goes vastly beyond any kind of vision you’ve experienced with your physical eyes or inner imagination.