Here's To The Friends Who Say What You Need To Hear

Here’s To The Friends Who Say What You Need To Hear

Here’s to the friends who say the words that you need to hear.

The friends who give you words of love when you need it. The ones who will tell you the truth when you need to hear that, too. Their words hold no motive, no agenda – theirs are just words rooted in honesty, in love.

Here’s to the friends who say words of encouragement as many times as you need to hear it. They’ll continue to repeat themselves until you start to believe it.

Here’s to the friends that make you listen to the advice that you yourself have given, and ask you to give yourself that same grace. They remind you that your worth is not tied to a singular role, or paycheck, or characteristic. They tell you that your worth is inherent. It cannot be taken away. It cannot flee. It is within you.

Here’s to the friends who say the words that you need to hear, the ones who speak your fears and dispel their power. They make the monsters less scary with their words. They remind you that you do not have to be afraid of the monsters, or the dark, or the thoughts in your own head.

They say words that will feel like a hug – and they’ll hug you as long as you want them to.

Here’s to the friends who say the words that you need to hear, they speak truth into your tired heart. They give you words that will lift you up when it feels like you cannot possibly climb another step.

When your well is empty, they pour water back in.

Here’s to the friends who tell you how they feel, always. They do not hide behind fear of judgment – for they know they don’t have to, cause your friendship is bigger than pretense, and pretending, and putting on a show of perfection.

Here’s to the friends who tell you, I love you. And when your world feels sad, they decide that word are not enough – and they show up at your door, just to sit in silence.

Cause sometimes, with the greatest of friendships, words are not needed.

Here’s to the friends who say the words that you need to hear. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Megan Minutillo

I hate styling my hair.