I’m So Happy You’re Still Here

I’m so happy you’re still here. There’s so much I want to tell you, so much I want to talk to you about. There are so many things I want to ask you – cause your thoughts, they matter to me. Your opinions, they matter to me. You matter to me.

I’m so happy you’re still here. There’s so much I see in you. So much you have to offer this time, this world, and to those around you. Maybe you don’t see it, but I do. I see the way people drink in your words, I see the way people light up when you come into a room. I see it the way people look to you for assurance, for guidance, for warmth. I see how they see you, I hope you start to see it, too.

I’m so happy you’re still here. There’s so much to celebrate together. The little moments, the big sparkly ones – there all worth celebrating. You deserve to be there to share in the joy.

I’m so happy you’re still here. I’d miss you if you left. I’d miss your laugh, I’d miss your hugs. I’d miss your passion – I’d even miss the way you yell. I’d miss talking to you, I’d miss the simple knowledge that you were there. You’re such a huge part of my life, there’d be a void if you were gone.

I’m so happy you’re still here. There’s so much more for you to do. There are places to go, there are people to talk to, there are things to create. There’s love to give, there’s so much life for you to live.

I’m so happy you’re still here because I wanted to say I am grateful for you. I am grateful that you were brought into this world, and into my life. I am thankful for you, and I hope I say that enough. I hope you know that, too.

For you are loved. You are seen. You are a miracle.

And I’m so happy you’re here. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Megan Minutillo

I hate styling my hair.