Mary McMahon
Thought Thinker, Word Reader, Aspiring Giggle-inducer at your service.
Love At First Sight Is Real And Here’s Why
There is that instant, gut emotion you get when you see someone for the first time, that can be ever so telling as to where your relationship with them will take off.
18 Reasons Why Moving Back In With Your Parents Is The Best Decision You’ll Ever Make
The food is good and the food is free. Want a pudding cup? Go in the cabinet. Feel like Chinese food tonight? Suggest it for dinner. Need to do some shopping at Whole Foods? Too late! Mom and Dad already went there and stocked the fridge with organic coconut water. Sit back, relax, and keep your paycheck safely in your checking account where it belongs.
When You Find Someone Great… But There’s A “But”
They are fantastic, beautiful, successful, funny, what have you. But they aren’t doing it for you. There is still that “but” that is keeping you from sealing the deal.
Why Dumping That Toxic Friend Is the Best Decision You Will Ever Make
“Dumping” a friend can be just as bad, if not worse, than dumping a significant other.
This Is How You Give Too Much In Your Relationship, And This is How You Can Change It
How dare you be kind enough to give, but smart enough to recognize when it has not been reciprocated?
Here’s Why Staying In That Bad Relationship Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You
Another day, another month, another year goes by and you are stagnant in a relationship that you are completely unsure about.
This Is Why You Can’t Seem To Cut Off Contact With That One Person
“Lose my number” used to be a thing. Now it’s more like: lose my number, unfriend me, stop following me on Instagram and Twitter, remove me from Snapchat, delete my email address.
Why You Can’t Let That One Person Go, No Matter How Hard You Try
You have moved on, but part of them still sticks with you and you cannot explain why you care so much.
Why You Should Never Have the “What Are We?” Talk
I know countless relationships that have been left at a standstill because no one had the guts to say “I want you” without asking the other person for validation.