10 People Share The Heartbreaking Letter To Their Ex That They Never Had The Courage To Send

1. Dear You,
It’s been two years and four months to be exact, since that day when we broke up. There were things I wanted to say and kept it unsaid because I’m afraid I’ll end up crying in front of you.
Thank you, is just a repeated phrase I’ve been telling you since the day we met. Thank you for giving me the chance to love you; for all those boring and simple dates we had; for introducing me into your family; for the respect, love, care, understanding and trust, and for the relationship we had.
Sorry, and I mean it after all this time. Sorry for those times when I disappointed you.
I hate you, really. For hurting me. For making me feel like I was a mistake for you; I hate you for being so rude to me.
But above all of this, I want to say thank you for letting me go. Because for a very long time, someone came into my life and loved me, and guess what? We are getting married soon.
I hope you’re doing great now. Keep moving! May all the desires of yours be granted.
Love, Me.
2. Hi. It’s been a while,
I know that you are happy wherever you are. You’re lucky that you still have someone writing letters for you! I have promised myself not to do this but I realized that we never stop loving people. So I guess letting you know seldom how I feel won’t hurt.
Many things have changed since we parted ways. Months after we cut our connection, my grandmother died and I have no shoulders to lean on. I feel abandoned. So from then, I am not echoing my ache to people anymore. I found some of them unreliable. There are little things that I’ve been hiding to myself. And as I conceal them, they are outgrowing me already. And I have to check myself everyday if these flaws slip from my clothes. I am always comfy when wearing shorts but I stopped using them for I got a big scar from a burn at the back of my right leg. I know that you are the only who would get past looking at it without giving a look of disgust.
But I doubted the beautiful things you told me when we got caught in a lie. So I think no one would accept me completely that way you did.
I even remember that you said that you would finish your studies for me. How bittersweet. When I got a job, I don’t ride the train anymore for I changed my route, my routine and my habits. Figuratively, I veered from the way I traversed way back. Maybe it’s for my own good. I only get forlorn when I see those carts flashing before my eyes as they come and go. You won’t be there anymore telling that I should lean my head on your shoulders when I get exhausted. And every time I receive a message from you, you probably don’t know how every word means to me.
I sometimes think of your whispers in my ears. The way you say them would be different from every other whispers that I heard. It would be something new to my ears. Because recalling the moments we had is always refreshing. And maybe, this is the only way to redeem myself. To lift my self-esteem and tidy myself even for a short time by remembering that I was once a blank slate that only knew different colors of life when you came.
Three years have passed and I feel like everything was just coined in a blink of an eye. I sometimes let my hands wander around my body to pacify this longing heart. But they can’t give warmth to their own sanctuary. The radiance you gave them is haunting.
I probably need a closure to answer these things I’ve been asking myself for years. I still wish you all the happiness in the world for you deserve them. And if God permits, I hope He’d conspire all the roads for our paths to meet. I will be happy seeing you but I don’t know if I’m ready. One thing is for sure though — I won’t break my promise. I would still accompany you when we meet. No goodbyes right?
See you somewhere unexpected.
No longer yours,
3. Dear Ex,
You are the reason why I know I deserve so much better.
From, J.
4. Hey you,
How are you? It has been months since I’ve written you a letter of some sort. Let it be known here that I have moved on. The funny thing is it just really happens. You wake up one day and you no longer feel it. What ifs no longer matter and the desire to look at your Facebook profile seem to just falter. Took me long enough!
I wrote you this to finally say good bye. I never really got the chance to say it because during that time because I couldn’t bear the idea of us breaking up. It was hard for me to accept the fact that you left me without a warning. It took me weeks of crying at empty parks and bottles of beer to finally realize the truth: I was consumed with the idea of love that it emptied me. I do not wish for you to go through the same misery as I have because I know you are not strong enough for this. I will not thank you because you do not deserve any. I wish you well!
From, R.
5. You,
Thank you for the good times.
Please stop being bitter, I’m still your friend.
God bless on your journey.
Love, Meow
6. Hey Babe,
It’s been awhile since I’ve thought about you. But no matter how I try to deny this, I know in my heart that this is not the truth. I miss you. Every fiber of my being. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night and the urge to call you is so strong that I confide in a bottle of wine my mom keeps for formal occasions. It doesn’t hurt that much anymore. Unlike before, when the cuts on my thighs were fresh; self inflicted pain to forget about my inner wound. For months after the separation, this has been my life. The cuts are all healed now and I haven’t reached nor touched a blade for almost a year now. As much as I hate it, I made an unlikely friendship with that blade.
But I am healed now.
I go out with our friends, eat to my heart’s content and travel. Healing came to me adventure after adventure. And I can say that this is a good life. We’ve made life away from each other and we’re both happy now. And I guess it’s a cliche, but it’s true that we made better strangers than lovers.
Although the longing and what ifs are still there, we don’t contact each other anymore. If you’re reading this, I want you to know that I have to block you not because I was bitter but because I had to: self preservation. I don’t hate you. But sometimes I wish that I did.
Always, Jen
7. M,
When someone ask me to write a letter to you, I don’t know if I should say fuck you, or I still love you, even after everything you did to me.
Maybe both can do.
Fuck you and I still love you.
8. Love:
I miss you and it’s been years already since we broke up and I still think about you. About us. Memories are there to fill my empty heart and I’m grateful with that. I’m grateful because you gave me memories to remember when I’m alone and sad.
It’s been years already, and I still wish you the best.
And if someday you feel alone and not wanted, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
You’re always wanted here…in my heart.
And I’m always here to love you.
9. Hey J,
When I tried to write you a letter before all I want to say is F*** you and I don’t want you to read it because you don’t deserve it. But I’ve grown. And I don’t want you to think that I’m mad after the breakup because to tell you the truth, you gave me something no one ever gave me – Love.
So instead of getting mad at you or the universe, I thank you. Thank you because you made me feel special and valued. Thank you because you are the first one who broke my heart but it’s okay because my fragile heart is now stronger than before. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for calling me first. Thank you because I don’t deserve this but still you choose to love me.
Your Always.
10. C,
I hope you leaving me makes you feel happy and complete. I’m happy now to see you happy despite what you’ve done to me. Hope she makes you feel important to her life, hope she text you first in the morning just to tell you I love you like I always did to you. I hope she’s not a drinker because you hate it. I hope she’s the one. I hope she can love you the way I love you.
I hope the best for the both of you.
I’m still breathing after all.