Marni Kinrys

Best Selling Author, Host of the Ask Women Podcast and Ultimate ‘Wing Girl’ to hundreds of thousands of men around the world.
Articles by
Marni Kinrys
How To Playfully Tease A Woman And Win Her Over
Guys who are good with girls don’t mind ruffling a few feathers—not in a rude or malicious way but a fun, playful and challenging way. That’s what women are drawn to.
How To Escalate Things Over Text With The Girl You Like
Finally, I have an amazing, real-life example of how to escalate over text messages!!!
How To Flirt With (And Date) That Girl At Work
If you’ve ever had a job, chances are at some point you’ve had a crush on one of your colleagues.
How To Keep The Conversation Going With A Girl You Like
You can do this every time she speaks, and you will find that the conversation will have a natural flow and you will never run out of things to say.
Here’s How To Make A Woman Feel That Primal Attraction Towards You
There are lots of guys who tick all the boxes and would make a great boyfriend, and women do date these guys… BUT we’ll fantasize about a man who completely embraces his sexuality and makes us equally comfortable embracing our own!
How To Go From Friend To Lover In 3 Easy Steps
Right now you are simply the nice little puppy that’s by her side. Be the bull dog that pulls her around a bit but also gives her awesome attention when he decides.