Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
I Could Love You With My Whole Heart But I Can’t Trust You, And Trust Is Everything
That’s how fragile trust is. One minute you know a person, and the next minute they transform before your eyes, becoming someone foreign and strange and terrifying. Becoming someone you didn’t know they had the power to be. And there’s no going back.
Sometimes I Wonder If I Still Cross Your Mind
Sometimes I wonder if it was easy, letting me go.
No Matter How This Ends, I’ll Always Be Thankful For Our Little Slice Of Time
I will always be thankful for our slice of time on this earth, for the moments we held hands, for the way we laughed, for our lazy Saturday afternoons, for the way we kissed as if time was running out.
I’ll Never Stop Believing In Love
I’ll never stop believing that we will one day find our people, that we will be connected to others, that our lives will be blessed by the relationships we have, even if they don’t always go as planned.
You’ll Never Find The Right Person If You Change Yourself Because The Wrong One Hurt You
Please, don’t let pain keep you from finding the love you deserve.
You Were Never Mine, But I Still Miss You
It wasn’t until distance came between us that I realized how hard it is to miss something that was never yours to miss.
If You’re Going To Fall In Love, Fall For The Person Who Terrifies You
Life is too short to fall for people who don’t love you loudly, or for relationships that don’t set fire to your soul.
I’m Not Good At Loving A Little
I’ve never been good at loving just a little. I’ve always been all in, or nothing. I’ve always given my full heart away.
Maybe I Don’t Miss You, I Just Miss The Memories
Maybe I just want someone to call mine. Or maybe I’m just lying to myself, and what I’m really missing is you.
Dear God, I’m Trusting You To Lead Me To Him
I know that you won’t forsake me, won’t leave me by myself, won’t abandon me. I know that you’ll lead me to the right person, or to the life I’m meant to live, even if that’s a life I didn’t imagine.
11 Women Share Their Adorable, Tear-Jerking Proposal Stories
Caution: you may need some tissues.
You Must Love Her Like She’s Letting You Go
Pretend she’s already out the door. Pretend she’s already moved on and happy with someone else. Pretend that getting her back is the most important thing in your life and fight for her like she’s already gone.
Here’s The Truth About Letting Him Go: You Don’t Want To, But You Must
I know he’s made you smile, made you laugh, made your world feel so filled. And I know it seems empty without him. But you must let him go, sweet girl.
I Want To Take You To All My Favorite Places, I Want To Let You In
You’ll know I’ve fallen for you when I want to show you my secret places. When I want to share the most precious spaces of the earth with you. When I want to bring you into where I’ve called home, where I’ve felt safe.
Maybe To Find Real Love, We Need To Stop Giving Up On It
Real, passionate love is going to be hard. And maybe by telling ourselves to leave, to move on, to let go, to search for another, we’re really just teaching ourselves that relationships and love are impermanent. Maybe all we’re really teaching ourselves is to give up
We May Have Gone Our Separate Ways, But I Still Thank God For You
Maybe God didn’t want you to be my forever person. And I’ve accepted it now. I understand. Sometimes people are only mean to touch our lives for a period of time.
You Don’t Need Him To Give You The World, You Just Need To Be Able To Trust Him
Because when you pull back the curtain, when you strip down to the basics, when you unveil the truth about your relationship—trust is all there is. And if you don’t have trust, you don’t have real love.
This Is How You Lose A Good Girl
You try to make her change, when really, she’s already all you need and more. But you’re too scared of getting hurt to see that in her arms, you’ll be the safest.