Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
You Are A Woman, And You Should Be Proud
You are a woman, a gift, a force to be reckoned with.
I Am A Woman, Both Soft And Strong
I love wildly, but not naively. I care passionately, but always purposely. I am soft, but also strong.
I Don’t Want A Superhero, I Just Want You
I need you, us. I need this, right here in this moment. Right here in all this deficiency, in all this confusion, in all the ways you and I are flawed, but true.
Here’s What She’s Really Looking For In A Relationship, Based On Her Pisces Sign
Someone who’s not afraid to show emotion.
Maybe For The Moment I’ll Be Directionless
Maybe, in this moment I’ll let go and just be.
Don’t Let Anyone Dull Your Shine
Sparkle in the sun, dance in the moonlight, set fire to the world with the passion in your heart. You are light – beaming and brilliant.
Yes, You Can Be A Strong Woman Who Loves The Lord
Depending on God doesn’t make you any less strong, but being confident in who you are and what you’re capable of doesn’t make you any less of a Christian woman.
It’s Okay To Ask For Help, You Know
It’s okay to need people. It’s okay to need help. It’s okay to not be able to fight through the world’s chaos alone. You’re not meant to.
You Don’t Have To Be Any Less Of Yourself For Anyone
Listen: Who you are is someone to be proud of.
5 Ways You Can Filter Negativity From Your Social Media Feeds
This year, don’t be afraid to cut social media (or real life) ties.
Maybe Real Love Is About Giving Everything, And Expecting Nothing
And maybe when you willingly sacrifice yourself, when you willingly share your vulnerability and imperfection, when you willingly entrust your heart in someone’s hands—that’s when you experience real love.
A Love Letter To The Non-Believer
Know that you are loved. Know that you are strong. Know that you are beautiful and wonderful and complex and made by a God who will never leave or forsake you, no matter how much you push Him away.
I Wish You Enough
I wish you enough love, enough life, enough purpose, enough brokenness, enough wholeness, so that your life is imperfect and beautiful and blessed.
What Love Is Not
Love is not perfection. In fact, it is everything but.
I Want To, But I Won’t
I want to tell you I love you, but I won’t.
This Is The Beauty Of Letting Life Happen
But the beauty about freefall, is in that moment, you find your wings.
You’re Going To Feel Weak Sometimes – And That’s Okay
Because weakness is like anything in this life – fleeting.