Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
You Don’t ‘Figure Out’ Love, You Free Fall
How do you know what love is, will be, will become? Or if it will hurt? You don’t. But that’s the beautiful thing.
This Heart Is All I Have, I Hope It’s Enough
When we fall in love with someone, when we choose to intertwine our hearts with one another, we want to give, want to share, want to open and offer all of ourselves—but this isn’t about the physical, tangible things. This is about our heart, our emotion, our love.
25 Ways To Love Your Body
Be patient with it, for you are only human.
Maybe ‘Home’ Is Not Where You’ve Been, But Who And What You’ve Loved
Maybe ‘home’ is not about where you are, but about how you feel. The way you find yourself belonging to a person or place, simply because it’s where your heart has decided to rest.
A Prayer For The Man Who Broke My Heart
Father, please be with this boy I loved. Show him how powerful you are, how big your heart is. Show him the love you want for him—a love that is pure, passion, and honorable to both him, and you.
It’s Time To Stop Letting Your Past Define Your Future
You are not defined by your pain, by your past, by what has broken you. You are defined by how you believe and by how you rise.
Maybe Love Isn’t Meant To Be Defined
There is no set definition for love. No foolproof means of identifying or labeling it, no sure way to know whether what you’re feeling is pounding in your partner’s heart. But it’s beautiful, nonetheless.
I Want You To Fall In Love With My Mind
See, physical love will not last. Beauty will fade, attraction will dwindle, and passion for the body will be replaced by passion for the mind. And that’s the love I want to have.
Maybe One Day I Won’t Miss You
Maybe one day I won’t have to miss you. Because you’ll be here.
Everything I Want To Tell The One I Loved And Let Go
I’m sorry for ever allowing myself to believe I wasn’t enough.
When Your ‘Home’ Is In More Than One Place
Displacement.That’s what I call it: the feeling of not really knowing where you fit. When you’re tied to a place you’ve always known but suddenly feel more comfortable somewhere new. When you’re connected to more than one location, considering both of them where you belong
Dear Best Friend, This Is What I Promise You
I promise to stay.
Maybe This Is Why They Call It ‘Falling’
Maybe they call it ‘falling’ because it’s just that—you completely trip, slip, lose control, and crash into another person. Head over heels. All of you. Into their open arms.
A Prayer For When You Feel You’ve Lost Your Way
Bring me light when I’m in darkness and a path to follow when I feel like I’m wandering in circles. When doors close in front of me, give me new ones to open. When people walk away, give me courage to seek out relationships that both build me, and honor you.
I Can’t Wait To Do All The Little Things With You
I can’t wait to brush my teeth next to you, sharing the mirror, making faces with our toothpaste-covered tongues.
Of All The Things I Love About You, It’s Your Openness I Value The Most
I love that you’re not afraid to let me in, to talk to me, to be emotional and vulnerable and raw and real. I love that you put aside your doubts and trust me, that you give me a chance to love you, really love you, even where it hurts.
If You Love Her, Keep Her Wild
If you love her, let her be. Let her be as she is—strong and soft, gentle and passionate.
8 Truths I Learned About Love From My Best Friend
Love is consistent.