You May Feel Lost, But You Are Found In Christ

Matt Glm

Where are you right now? In the physical sense—are you sitting, are you standing, are you curled up in a ball of blankets in your bed? In the emotional sense—are you crumbling, are you struggling to stand, are you walking dizzily through your days, are you running on empty? In the spiritual sense—are you searching for answers with open palms, are you shaking your fist at the sky, are you stumbling around purposeless and defeated?

Are you feeling lost?

I wish I could promise you that you wouldn’t have to face these days. But the truth is, we’re all human, living in an imperfect world. And even if we give our hearts to God, we will still face struggles and pain. We will still wake up tired and torn down. We will still have days where we feel burdened and disoriented, not sure which direction to head.

But the beautiful thing about having faith is knowing this simple promise: No matter how far you wander or how lost you feel, you are found in Christ.

You may be having the worst day today. You might have woken up to terrible news, hardly been able to stand, feel weighed down by weakness or emptiness or just drama that you weren’t ready to deal with. You might feel like you’ve been doing so well, trying to be a better person, trying to live like Christ, but then suddenly your world has fallen apart. And you’re at a loss of what to do.

We will all face these days. We will all stumble. We will all run so far from our Father’s arms, leaning on others or earthly devices or even our own bodies for reassurance.

But even in the moments where we feel the most purposeless, the most directionless, the most off-track, our God is reaching out to us with His open hand.

He is searching for us, beckoning to us, waiting for us. He is here.

See, we are forever found in Christ. He love for us will never end, nor run dry. He has given His life for us so that when we feel dizzy, when we feel adrift, when we don’t know which end is up, we can be reminded of His endless glory, and our strength and worth in Him.

He isn’t leaving. He won’t abandon us in our time of need, or be so far away that we can’t hear Him. He won’t turn His face, even when we sin, even when we fall short. He won’t be too busy or too tired to deal with our problems. He won’t try to teach us a lesson, or force us to find our own way home.

He will be there when we need Him. He will listen. He will care.

So maybe where you are right now is a tough place. Maybe you’re trying to keep your faith, but you feel like you’re drowning. Maybe you’ve wandered away and you don’t know how to get back to who you were, to Him, to a place of confidence and love.

Maybe you feel so incredibly lost right now. But here’s your solution—turn to Him. Open your heart to Him again; let His grace fill your soul. Pray. Tell Him what’s on your mind and confess your weaknesses and failures. Let Him wash away your guilt and shame. Let Him build your body and soul back to strength.

Let Him take away your fear, your frailty and replace it with His resilience. Let Him build you a new backbone, a new spirit, strengthened in His name.

For in Him, you are no longer lost. In Him, you are found.

I know you may feel lost right now, but when it comes to our Father, you are found. You are found in His arms, you are found in His presence. You are found in His forgiveness, and found in His heart. He has taken you from your pain and pulled you to safety. He has washed you clean from the past mistakes and hardship, and turned you towards the sun.

He has reminded you, once again, that you are never too far from His love.
He has shown you, once again, that you are worthy and strong.

So let Him in. Let Him see you at your worst; let Him guide you back to your best. Let Him know the darkest parts of your heart and make them bright again. Let Him be the compass that directs your steps and the map that guides you home.

Let Him keep you safe, make you whole, give you life again.
Let Him find you, for in Him you are never truly lost. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Marisa Donnelly is a poet and author of the book, Somewhere on a Highway, available here.

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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