Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
Sometimes Lost Love Is A Blessing
Sometimes lost love is a reminder. Of who we are. Of our worth.
I Am No Longer Going To Let Fear Keep Me From A Deeper Faith
I’m going to step forward in faith, with confidence, with hope that whatever I face I won’t have to face alone. Because with God in my heart, I won’t.
13 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Silently Removing Yourself From Toxicity
Shaping yourself into someone others might not quickly recognize.
God, Be My Foundation When My Faith Is Shaken
God, be my rock. Be the one I turn to, rely on. Be the force I feel within my bones, powerful and electric. Be the energy in each cell, pulsing from my head to my feet, pushing me onward without fear.
You Will Feel Me When I Leave
you will feel me when I leave
like all the threads that hold you together
coming undone.
11 Uncomfortable Signs Your Heart Has Finally Started To Heal
You have expectations—for yourself, for your future lover, for life—that you never had before.
Give Me An Imperfect Love
Give me something raw and messy. Give me unedited. Give me imperfect. Give me us.
Reminder: Today Is New
Right now, you have the ability to change—not what has happened to you, but where you go from here.
The (Intangible) Gift He Really Wants For Christmas This Year, Based On His Zodiac Sign
Capricorn: The gift of intention.
The (Intangible) Gift She Really Wants For Christmas This Year, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Taurus: The gift of your loyalty.
You Cannot Break A Woman Like Me
You cannot break a woman whose self-love is centered on possibility, on hope, on the potential she has to become something even more wild and wonderful than she already is.
Someone Will See The Brokenness In Your Heart And Love You In Spite Of It
Someone is going to love you, simply because you are worthy. And each touch, each kiss, each word that leaves their lips will show you what you’ve been missing all along.
I Will Teach My Daughter Bravery, Not Perfection
I will teach her to make her own expectations, and shatter them.
In 2018, I’m Letting Go Of What Is Not Meant For Me
This year, I’m letting go of people, of things, of feelings, of thoughts that aren’t mine to keep. That aren’t bringing me hope. That aren’t pushing me to be a better person or inspiring me to stand after I’ve fallen down.
You Are Never Too Broken In The Eyes Of God
Even when you do not have the strength to stand, know your Father is ready to carry you. You are loved. You are saved. You are not facing this pain alone.
Self-Love Is A Constant, Beautiful Fight
It’s fighting to see yourself as worthy, even when you’re constantly told that you’re not good enough. It’s fighting to appreciate who you’ve become, while still making goals to reach towards.
Choose To Be Thankful In The Challenges—That’s Where You Grow
Release what is not meant for you. Release what has abandoned you. Release what has attempted to destroy you, hold you captive, bring you down.
300 Truth Or Dare Questions To Ask Your Crush (Or Anyone Else) If You Want To Know Who They Really Are
What’s the last thing you searched on your phone?