Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
Living Your Best Life Is Actually Not About You At All, It’s About Others
Everywhere on the internet you’ll read about ‘living your best life,’ or ‘living the life you’ve always imagined’ or just ‘living a good freaking life’ and although all these articles and posts and Instagram photos and blogs and advice columns have our best intentions in mind, they’re narrowly focused.
16 People Share The One Thing They Love Most About Their Significant Other
“Her smile. I swear to God it stops me in my tracks.”
11 Things Every Girl Needs From Her BF In The Age Of Tinder
Laughter. Which is often overlooked, but so very essential for a strong relationship. There needs to be moments of silliness, of finding joy in the simple things, of teasing one another, and of not taking life so seriously.
11 Things You Need To Know Before Dating An Italian Girl
We love food. Honestly, eating is probably the highlight of our days.
Just So You Know, Money Doesn’t Define Your Happiness
In twenty years, you won’t remember that you drunkenly spent $50 on drinks on a Saturday night—you’ll remember the ugly bathroom selfies with your best friends and dancing until the sun came up.
7 Things You Absolutely Need To Do When Visiting A Foreign Country
Take pictures (and selfies!) of and with everything.
The Truth Is, I’m Terrified Of One-Night Stands
I’m terrified of touching someone whose heart isn’t intertwined with mine.
You Don’t Have To Forget Your Past, You Just Have To Let It Go
This is what the past teaches us: how we’ve grown, what we’ve learned, the people that have shaped us, and the person we’ve become. This is important.
If You’re Freaking Out About Graduating College, This Is What You Need To Remember
It’s perfectly acceptable to feel like a purposeless, super anxious, weirdo right now. You don’t have all the answers, and you’re not supposed to.
Please, Stop Blaming Yourself For Every Failure In Love
We’ve all had those ‘what if’ moments, where we wrack our brains for the exact slice of time where we inevitably destroyed everything we once had. We try to wrap our head around why the person we thought was our everything ran, or hurt us, or said goodbye. But there’s one, huge thing we so often forget: Sometimes these things just happen and there’s nothing we can do about it.
To My Future Boyfriend, I Am Not Broken
Listen, this letter is for you. To know that in the future, I will love you. I will love you deeply and fully. I will be unafraid and unhesitant. I will not compare you to pain of the past, but trust that people are different, that you are different and worthy of a chance.
23 Recovering Addicts Share The One Thing They Wish People Understood About Their Addictions
“It’s deeper than any substances.”
Who Cares If You Haven’t Found The One Yet
We get so caught up in this idea of true love, that we’re supposed to find it by this certain time, that it’s supposed to look a certain way, that we’ll know, beyond a doubt, what we’re doing and how things will pan out. But love isn’t like that.
It’s Time To Stop Apologizing For Who You Are
Stop apologizing for who you are and just be. Be silly, be strange, be happy, be crazy, be independent, be in love, be unafraid, be nervous, be strong, be okay with leaning on someone else. Be whatever the hell you want. Be you.
I’m Not Good At Dating, But I Know How To Love
See, I’m not good at dating, at small talk, at stuffy dinner dates where we skirt around the deep questions because we don’t want to scare each other off. I don’t care if I scare you off. If I can’t know who you are, then why bother sitting across the table, sharing bites of steak and sips of wine and pretending this is going somewhere when it’s not.
Just So You Know, You Don’t Have To Be Everything To Everyone
Life is difficult. There’s no denying that. And people need one another—for support, for love, for strength. And you? You are the type of person who provides that, willingly and openly. You are a blessing.
But sometimes you need to be your own blessing, too.
19 Struggles Of Being An Extremely Short-Waisted Girl
You’re constantly at a crossroads between wearing the only jeans that look good on you (aka: low-rise) or exposing your butt crack to the world. #TheStruggleIsReal
You Cannot Outrun God
Take comfort in this: No matter where you go, what you do, the mistakes you make, how far you wander off the path, or what you try to wedge between you and God, He will never leave you.