Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

I’ll Never Stop Believing In Love

I’ll never stop believing that we will one day find our people, that we will be connected to others, that our lives will be blessed by the relationships we have, even if they don’t always go as planned.

Dear God, I’m Trusting You To Lead Me To Him

I know that you won’t forsake me, won’t leave me by myself, won’t abandon me. I know that you’ll lead me to the right person, or to the life I’m meant to live, even if that’s a life I didn’t imagine.

You Must Love Her Like She’s Letting You Go

Pretend she’s already out the door. Pretend she’s already moved on and happy with someone else. Pretend that getting her back is the most important thing in your life and fight for her like she’s already gone.

Maybe To Find Real Love, We Need To Stop Giving Up On It

Real, passionate love is going to be hard. And maybe by telling ourselves to leave, to move on, to let go, to search for another, we’re really just teaching ourselves that relationships and love are impermanent. Maybe all we’re really teaching ourselves is to give up

This Is How You Lose A Good Girl

You try to make her change, when really, she’s already all you need and more. But you’re too scared of getting hurt to see that in her arms, you’ll be the safest.