Lumi Ketten

My name is Lumi and I am an astrologer, writer, mother, and wife.
Articles by
Lumi Ketten
The June Full Moon Brings Justice
Since this full moon comes with a lunar eclipse as well, we can expect to experience the need to let go of unhealthy attachments and toxic behaviors.
This Is What They Don’t Tell You About Narcissistic Abuse
The abuse goes unnoticed by most outsiders.
This Is Your Deepest Emotional Wound, According To Your Astrological Chart
Gemini: This individual will have problems communicating in a conventional way, possibly due to speech impediments, social anxiety, or other forms of an inability to communicate properly.
Here’s The Biggest Thing That Holds You Back In Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Geminis must learn to communicate in their own way and see the beauty of their unique expression.