27 People Share The Most Brutal Way Someone Rejected Them Romantically

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1. I say, ‘I’m falling for you.”’ She says, ‘I can’t catch you.’

“I was 14 she was amazing: I say, ‘I’m falling for you.’ She says, ‘I can’t catch you.’”


2. Had a girl fake suicide once because I asked her out.

“Had a girl fake suicide once because I asked her out. True story.”


3. He said, ‘You’re pretty…pretty ugly.’

“Kid I was low key crushing on in elementary school said, ‘Hey, Hyde, you’re pretty.’ Followed swiftly by, ‘Pretty ugly.’ Pretended it was hilarious.

Fuck you, Will.”


4. Told him I liked him, and he had his parents tell me to never speak to him again.

“Middle school. Told him I liked him, and he had his parents tell me to never speak to him again. Yeesh.”


5. She laughed and said ‘Ew, no!’

“She laughed and said ‘Ew, no!’

That hurt. She realized very quickly what she’d done/said and apologized profusely. Still hurts a little :(”


6. She tells me that she is in love with my brother and has been dating me to get closer to him.

“Standing in the rain at night, after two years of dating, I think she is about to tell me that she loves me. Nope. She tells me that she is in love with my brother and has been dating me to get closer to him. I told my brother and he said ‘Hell no! Fuck that crazy bitch!’”


7. He replied with, ‘sorry I don’t go out with savages.’

“I am brown (Indian) and was 16 at that time. I use to go to an all-white high school. My friend at the time pressured me into asking my crush to our semi-formal dance. Took me a couple of days but when I finally had the courage to go up to him and ask he replied with, ‘sorry I don’t go out with savages.’

FYI* Savages is what ‘Canadian’ white settlers use to call Aboriginals.”


8. He looked me up and down, said, ‘pass,’ and then walked away.

“He looked me up and down, said, ‘pass,’ and then walked away.”


9. I got worse than friend zoned, I got family zoned.

“I had a girl say to me once, ‘Aw, you’re like the brother I’ve always wanted.’ I got worse than friend zoned, I got family zoned.”


10. ‘I’d rather drop dead.’

“‘I’d rather drop dead.’ Totally forgot about it until I saw her 12 years later at a mutual friend’s house. Found out she was newly single. I laughed at her misery.”


11. She asked if I was retarded, mental and delusional.

“The girl asked if I was retarded, mental and delusional, to which I replied no. She said ‘Then that’s your answer.’”


12. Told me I turned her into a lesbian.

“Told me I turned her into a lesbian.”


13. She went around telling everyone that we hooked up, but I had a tiny penis and I had trouble getting it up.

“I was at a party in high school and I made a move on my crush at the time. She turned me down quickly, and that was that…until the next school day. She apparently went around telling everyone that we hooked up, but I had a tiny penis and I had trouble getting it up.

She not only refused my request, but assured no one at the high school would ever think about getting with me.”


14. I had someone come up to me and say they liked me. I smiled, then they said ‘hahahaha just kidding. You’re a loser.’

“I had someone come up to me and say they liked me. I smiled, then they said ‘hahahaha just kidding. You’re a loser.’

That shit stings for months, man.

I was 11. Although I still know people who would do this.”


15. Everyone proceeded to laugh at me while they left and went with him.

“In third grade I wasn’t very popular. I was the skinny white kid that wore what his mother made him wear and had no confidence. The bullies were real.

I had two girls in my class suddenly come up to me one day, link arms with me on each side and tell me how ‘cute’ I was and how they both wanted to be my girlfriend. This went on for days. I was so happy and surprised that any girl liked me, let alone two. We would go to recess together, eat lunch, talk about our day, it was great. I vividly remember both of them mentioning wanting to ‘have sex with’ me once. All of this came crashing down though when the girl’s original boyfriend announced to them their work was done and everyone proceeded to laugh at me while they left and went with him. He had set me up with them just for this moment of humiliation. The girls took turns saying things like ‘you think any of us would like you?’

Looking back, it was very traumatizing and I’m surprised this occurred at such a young age. It wasn’t until I was a junior in high school that I actually gained some confidence and self-worth.

Fuck ’em.”


16. He looked at me, said ‘whatever, you’re ugly anyway’ and reached over and opened my window.

“He asked me to open the window that I was sitting by on the bus because he was hot (he was on the row opposite me) and I said no I want to keep it shut. I didn’t like having it open because my hair always flies out the window. He looked at me, said ‘whatever, you’re ugly anyway’ and reached over and opened my window.”


17. She looked at me and immediately put her hands near her upper chest and went ‘eeeeeeeeeew’ like she just saw a mouse run by.

“History class in 6th grade. teacher made the class pair up for an assignment. I was paired with this girl who looked at me and immediately put her hands near her upper chest and went ‘eeeeeeeeeew’ like she just saw a mouse run by. I was chubby and wore shitty clothes so it wasn’t confusing as to why.”


18. She pulled me aside and said, ‘Hey so I know you have a crush on me and I just don’t feel the same way so can you stop liking me please?’

“Not sure if this counts as rejection because I didn’t even ask her out.

In middle school, I had a crush on this one girl for a while. One day she pulled me aside and said, ‘Hey so I know you have a crush on me and I just don’t feel the same way so can you stop liking me please?’

I didn’t even ask her out and I got rejected by her.”


19. I say, ‘Hey, how are you?’ Her response was just ‘Don’t talk to me.’

“My first day of uni, nervous as hell, and I wanted to make friends. So this girl sits next to me, and I say, ‘Hey, how are you?’ Her response was just ‘Don’t talk to me,’ and we sat through that hour lecture in complete silence.”


20. I flew across the Atlantic to see her and she said, ‘I think we should see other people.’

“Was about 20 living in London in a long-distance relationship with a girl from upstate NY.

We’d been together a year or so when I flew over to see her after being apart for about a month.

Got to the airport, waited…waited…rang her home (pre-mobile phones) spoke to her Dad first (!) and then her.

When I asked when she was coming to get me from the airport after an 8-hour flight she said ‘I think we should see other people’ and hung up.



21. They all laughed as I walked away and one of them made sure to point and stare as he laughed.

“I was in fourth grade. It was my first (and last for many years) time asking someone out. I wrote him a letter (do you want to be my boyfriend?)

He showed at least ten people, they all laughed as I walked away and one of them made sure to point and stare as he laughed. He crumpled up the paper and smirked as he handed it to me.

Not gonna lie…still hurts a little.”


22. She said she wished she was still wherever she’s been all my life.

“Me: Where have you been all my life?

Her: I don’t know, but I wish I was still there.”


23. ‘Her? Hell no.’

“Caught a group of guys staring at me at the gym. This guy (whom I had a crush on) went, ‘Her? Hell no’ to his friends…that stung.”


24. I used to have random groups of girls come up to me and one would say ‘my friend really likes you,’ and then they would walk away laughing.

“I used to have random groups of girls come up to me and one would say ‘my friend really likes you,’ and then they would walk away laughing. I wasn’t even going to interact with them, I was simply walking home from school/college.”


25. She laughed at me. That’s it. She just laughed at me.

“She laughed at me. That’s it. She just laughed at me. People noticed her laughing and asked what was so funny. She told them how I tried asking her out. They all laughed at me, too.”


26. I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie. She laughed at me and said, ‘I think I’ll see the movie with someone else.’.

“It was the first girl I ever asked out, I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie. She laughed at me and said, ‘I think I’ll see the movie with someone else.’”


27. I was the butt of a joke played on a jock.

“Freshman year of high school, 1994. I’m a year younger than most, dorky, and terrible about social cues and self-awareness.

I get a note passed to me in class. ‘You’re cute. Call me after school.’ Signed Nathan, cute sophomore boy on the other side of the room. Phone number attached.

I make the call when I get home. ‘Uh yeah…my friends did that as a joke. Don’t call me.’

So awkward freshman me was the butt of a joke played on a jock. Didn’t feel great.”

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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