44 People Confess The Proudest Sexual Achievement Of Their Lives

God & Man
God & Man
Found on AskReddit.

1. My husband was cheating on me with a girl, so I slept with her, too.

“My husband was cheating on me with a girl, so I slept with her, too. He was pretty pissed. Haha.”


2. I ate a donut off a guy’s dick once.

“I ate a donut off a guy’s dick once.”


3. I once sexed a girlfriend’s hair extensions off her head.

“I once sexed a girlfriend’s hair extensions off her head.”


4. One time when my wife was riding me it was so good for her she drooled on me.

“One time when my wife was riding me it was so good for her she drooled on me.”


5. My wife sucked my cock while I licked my best friend’s wife’s asshole and she sucked his dick.

“My wife sucked my cock while I licked my best friend’s wife’s asshole and she sucked his dick.”


6. I took an Arab girl’s virginity on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

“Probably the foursome I had with three girls. Or the time I took an Arab girl’s virginity on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.”


7. I am so abnormally tight that I inadvertently caused my ex’s frenulum to rip.

“I am so abnormally tight that I inadvertently caused my ex’s frenulum to rip, needing dick stitches.”


8. I literally had my cock given as a birthday present.

“A fuckbuddy of mine liked it so much she convinced one of her girlfriends to fuck me on her birthday. I literally had my cock given as a birthday present. Pretty good ego trip.”


9. Had sex with a trainee nun.

“Had sex with a trainee nun. Her flatmate was appalled.”


10. He came so hard that he lost his vision momentarily.

“Giving my boyfriend of the time head. When he came, he came so hard that he lost his vision momentarily. I was really proud of that.”


11. As soon as we both finished our orgasms, the National Anthem started playing.

“I don’t know if this is much of a physical achievement, but more so in timing.

My wife and I live next to a military base, and just as soon as we both finished our orgasms, the National Anthem started playing.

The timing alone made us both instantly lose it.”


12. A woman once said to me panting, ‘that was the best sex in the history of my vagina.’

“A woman once said to me panting, ‘that was the best sex in the history of my vagina.’ Head never shrank after that.”


13. Made my girlfriend cum so hard she blacked out for a few seconds.

“Made my girlfriend cum so hard she blacked out for a few seconds.”


14. Had sex with Latina MILF twice my age. She called out sick on Monday because she was sore.

“I was 21 and working in a call center for an auto finance company processing dealer paperwork. There was this MILFY Latina chick that I had no idea was into me. I was really fat and ended up losing a lot of weight while I was there. Anyways she called me her flaco. I was oblivious and a little awkward at this time. So finally it was our company Christmas party and she had gotten a room at the hotel where the party was. Our group was drinking and finally she asked me if I wanted to dance. We danced for a while and she asked if I wanted to have dinner. I said sure and was surprised when she led me up to her room. One thing led to another and 21-year-old me got this hot MIlF who was twice my age. We went four rounds that night and twice more in the morning.

She called out sick on Monday and said that she was sore from working out and couldn’t walk. I guess word got out and all of the women she talked to looked at me differently.

TLDR had sex with Latina MILF twice my age. She called out sick on Monday because she was sore.”


15. I’ve slept with more girls than my boyfriend.

“I’ve slept with more girls than my boyfriend.”


16. Converted my wife to anal.

“My fetish is anal sex, both giving and receiving. Finding women who actually enjoy it is difficult, though. I met a woman who told me she’d probably never try it with me, because she’d done it before and didn’t like it. I ended up marrying her, because in every other way she’s perfect to me. I had come to terms with the reality of never being able to indulge my fetish again. Then, in some wonderful stroke of luck, she got it in her head one day to ask me to try anal. We did, and she loved it. So much so, that we now strictly stick to anal sex. Couldn’t have worked out more perfectly for me.”


17. When I put it in her for the first time and she was like ‘Holy shit that’s big!’

“When I put it in her for the first time and she was like ‘Holy shit that’s big!’”


18. I shot like 8+ feet once.

“I shot like 8+ feet once.”


19. One time made her convulse for like 5 minutes straight after I had stopped fucking her.

“GF occasionally convulses when she orgasms….One time made her convulse for like 5 minutes straight after I had stopped fucking her. I jokingly call them ‘aftershocks’ :-)”


20. I fucked my best friend’s mom when I was 18.

“I fucked my best friend’s mom when I was 18. She was the hot MILF that everyone teased him about wanting to fuck. One night, while drinking she pulled me into her room and had her way with me.”


21. She brought her two better -looking friends along to join in.

“Once was supposed to hook up with this girl, she brought her two better -looking friends along to join in. ‘Twas the greatest night of my life.”


22. Maintaining an erection for more than four hours and NOT going to the doctor.

“Maintaining an erection for more than four hours and NOT going to the doctor.”


23. An orgy of 20+ participants.

“Participating in an orgy of 20+ participants. Also multiple FFM experiences. I am a guy.”


24. I made a non-squirter spray across the room.

“I made a non-squirter spray across the room after sessions of practice. That was pretty cool.”


25. I had a girl blindfolded, bound and gagged, balls deep in her ass, within 15 minutes of meeting her.

“I used to write a sex blog which attracted a certain sort of girl, so I have a few stories. But the tl;dr version is that at one point I had a girl blindfolded, bound and gagged, balls deep in her ass, within 15 minutes of meeting her for the first time in person. And that kind of thing happened quite a few times back in those days.”


26. I got a blowjob from three different women in three days.

“I got a blowjob from three different women in three days. That hot streak ended when I married one of them.”


27. Revenge-egged my ex-girlfriend’s house, then fucked the shit out of her.

“Man, I love this story.

Few years back, I was drinking (heavily) with a few of my friends.

For some reason we got into conversation about our exes, and somehow I started getting into how much of a bitch my last ex was. (She had egged my car after we broke up, among being crazy)

It was then I realized that she still lived not too far from where we were partying.

I/we decided to egg her house as swift justice.

Being really drunk, and loud, she saw us do it through her big window.

I woke up to about 15 missed calls and a few nasty text messages/voicemails.

I sincerely apologized, and told her that I felt like an asshole.

After she cleaned the windows/car she said she wanted to come over and talk to me about this whole mess.

After talking a bit, I convinced her to stay for dinner.

I ordered us greasy Chinese food, then fucked the shit out of her.

As she was leaving she apologized to me for egging my car in the first place.

I actually never talked to her again after that.”


28. Got hotel breakfast in bed and round four in the morning by two MILFs.

“Got hotel breakfast in bed and round four in the morning by two MILFs (age 39 and 44). I was 22 at the time. Luckiest night of my life so far! Food in between sex is magical!…and getting oral while eating bacon is divine…”


29. First time I went down on my girl and first time ever for both of us, she went cross-eyed for like 10 min.

“First time I went down on my girl and first time ever for both of us, she went cross-eyed for like 10 min. When asked about it later she said, I did what?! 😂😂”


30. Fucked someone with my foot, ordered chicken at climax.

“Well I was not expecting to do what I did, but just went with it.

So a friend of mine, a friendship of delights you might call us, and I are laying on our backs, clothed and on the floor. She’s got her head by my feet, my head by her feet.

So she lifts her leg closest as it’s a bit cramped (you can guess why), and so I move into the space, pull her leg down into my chest and gently massage her leg to help. She thanks me and continues to look online for takeout food to order.

My right foot just glances past her downstairs and she jokes “that feels nice”. I’m feeling horny, so I think “let’s try something”. I take my right foot and place the ball and toes over her clit, and start rubbing. Gentle and slow, sometimes rubbing side to side by wagging my foot. Then I start making fists with the toes, clenching them and pulling at her clit. She moans and gets more and more into it.

Beforehand, she was ordering food, right? So as she’s getting close, she still has the phone up. She cums so hard the phone slips onto her face. This completes the order for chicken, and one portion of foot masturbation.

TL;DR: Fucked someone with my foot, ordered chicken at climax.”


31. Girl told me to stop fingering her because ‘she was making a mess.’.

“Girl told me to stop fingering her because ‘she was making a mess.’”


32. I went on vacation for a week and hooked up with seven different women.

“I went on vacation for a week and hooked up with seven different women. One day I had a dry spell I made up with a threesome later in the trip.”


33. Making a woman squirt for two hours straight.

“Making a woman squirt for two hours straight.”


34. Had two days of amazing sex with my celebrity crush.

“Had two days of amazing sex with my celebrity crush.”


35. Gave her so many orgasms she could barely crawl off me because she was shaking so much.

“Gave her multiple orgasms, the last one she could barely crawl off me because she was shaking so much. She insisted after to give me a BJ in order to repay me.”


36. Getting my tip into my own mouth.

“Getting my tip into my own mouth.”


37. I’ve never been squirted on so much. Had to flip the mattress because of it.

“I know this sounds like complete bullshit but I swear on everything it’s true. My ex-girlfriend got off so easy with me for some reason. Got her off 11 times in 20 minutes with her on top. I just laid there for the most part, but I’ve never been squirted on so much. Had to flip the mattress because of it. The next morning she told me she felt like she did an ab workout.”


38. She told everyone in school, ‘He’s huge, lasts forever, and knows exactly what he’s doing.’

“Age 16, took my girlfriend’s virginity and she came, I didn’t. 2nd time, she came and I didn’t. 3rd time, she came and I didn’t. You get the picture. I was death grip masturbating every day at the time, and I had been for about 5 years so it took me 40+ minutes to cum from pussy, and blowjobs did nothing. Around time 5 or 6 she was super frustrated and intent on getting me to cum. Sex lasted about 45 (very rough) minutes. She came 4 times and I came during her 4th. Next day, she was completely crippled and told some of the girls on the crew team. Got a lot of smirks and giggles from a few of em.

When we broke up (due to her sister telling her parents that I was kind of a really bad guy, not to the GF but in general. I was, what some may call, a “dope boy”. We still cared about each other a lot), we stayed friends and after just a few days were hooking up again. She told her very gorgeous friend on the crew team about it and her friend asked her why she was still hooking up with me if it was impossible for us to be together because of her parents, and, to paraphrase what she said, it was basically ‘he’s huge, lasts forever, and knows exactly what he’s doing.’ As a 16-year-old kid who’d only been with two girls and had sex a grand total of 3 times before I started dating this girl, this was reassuring, especially being a pretty chubby dude at the time. Ex GF’s hot friend told quite a few people and I got a pretty great reputation from it. One girl in the grade below me referred to me as ‘the kid with the fuckin’ water bottle down there’ at a party. Made up for a lot of the shit I went though that year.

TL;DR Was a chubby-ass 16-year-old who crippled a girl from dick and got a nice little nickname for it, enjoyed the rest of high school.”


39. My husband has never been able to cum with another woman.

“My husband has never been able to cum with another woman. So literally every time he cums with me is my greatest sexual achievement.”


40. Made my girl cum 53 times.

“This is completely true, and without a doubt the greatest sexual achievement of all time.

My girl and me were just in bed, fooling around, when I decided to go down on her. She’s a squirter so we had towels put down below before I went to work. There was something special that went down that day. I made her cum once, then not long after again, then again, then again.. My jaw stated solid, my tongue and lips stayed strong, and about twelve orgasms in and a beard covered in lady juices, I decided to start counting. Over and over I made her cum, hef whole body comforting almost out of place, but I held her down. We hit twenty, but now it only took twenty to thirty seconds between each orgasm. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. I finally gave in at about 53 orgasms. With that, I wiped off my face, laid back, and was just grinning.
Tldr/ made my girl cum 53 times.”


41. She told me I went too deep.

“Being told I went too deep.”


42. She would basically have a chronic orgasm till her cooch wore out.

“When I was with my ex we went through a period where from penetration she would basically have a chronic orgasm till her cooch wore out.”


43. She constantly told everyone how massive my dick is and how it hurt her jaw to give me head.

“I dated a girl that was 9 years older than me and she constantly told everyone how massive my dick is and how it hurt her jaw to give me head. It was always a nice ego boost for me to just stand there and be like yup, what she said.”


44. Like the male lion, I mated for an entire day.

“I am a king of the jungle.

From 0800-1600 a 12 hour period. I stopped to eat two times, smoke three times, and the rest of the day was pounding and pounding,

Like the male lion, I mated for an entire day.

It was difficult, it was exciting, it involved one very willing participant and the girls friend holding the camera.

Was she sore? Yes. Very. Highly.

Was I sore? Yeah it is definitely not something I’d ever try again.

How did I do it? I was 21 and liquor makes me and my stamina as hard as Chinese algebra when you’re stoned.”

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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