36 Women Describe What Sexual Arousal Feels Like (NSFW)

Piotr Marcinski / (Shutterstock.com)
Piotr Marcinski / (Shutterstock.com)
Found on AskReddit.

1. “You know that feeling like you’re going over a hill and you get that swoosh feeling in your stomach?”

You know that feeling like you’re going over a hill and you get that swoosh feeling in your stomach?

It’s like that, but in my pants.

2. “You know that feeling you get in your chest when you drink something warm on a cold day?”

You know that feeling you get in your chest when you drink something warm on a cold day? I feel like that, but in my pelvis.

3. “For the love of all that is holy, I want to fuck anyone.”

Its kinda like “Hey, I kinda wanna have sex” then after a while its like “Yeah, a penis around here would be pretty great”.

Then a while later its like, “That dude probably fucks really good. I want to fuck him.”

Then finally, “For the love of all that is holy, I want to fuck anyone.”

4. “Can’t think about anything else but sex.”

Can’t think about anything else but sex. Every word, every phrase. Constant pulsing, panties get wet, clit easily aroused just by moving in a chair. Lips get fat, skin tingles, hyperaware of your breasts in your bra and wanting them to be fondled. Constantly deep breathing trying to control the urges. Neck is hypersensitive, get a look in your eyes like an animal ready to feed.

5. “It’s like peeing your pants a little and you feel this warm wetness.”

It’s like peeing your pants a little and you feel this warm wetness.

Which eventually becomes cold and uncomfortable after a while.

6. “It’s the feeling of wanting to be filled so badly that it hurts.”

Ahh…for me, it’s the feeling of wanting to be filled so badly that it hurts. Like, it physically aches from how badly I need it. And the feeling of wanting to be touched is overwhelming, and craving the weight of a man on top of me.

This is really sad but…I’ve been single for a while, and sometimes it gets so bad/overwhelming that I’ll actually cry :/ Oh god now I’ve made myself sad.

7. “I get pretty sensitive down there and have the urge to hump/rub against anything.”

I don’t know how to describe it from memory, not horny right now. I guess I get pretty sensitive down there and have the urge to hump/rub against anything. I also get butterflies in my stomach.

8. “For me it starts in my neck and works its way down.”

For me it starts in my neck and works its way down. When my toes curl and my body starts twisting in desire it’s usually because I’ve gone from goose bumps all over my body to trying to press myself deeper into my partner. I also almost feel ticklish.

9. “Okay it’s like this: you’re a little hungry, and there’s this burger joint right down the street.”

Okay it’s like this: you’re a little hungry, and there’s this burger joint right down the street. Not a shitty McDonald’s or something—this high-end classy burger joint where everything tastes like heaven.

You’re not hungry hungry, just enough to notice it, but when you do you start thinking about that burger place…and it makes you hungrier, and you start to feel that emptiness in your belly, and you’re like “man, I could go for a burger.” So either A) you go get your burger and it feels so juicy and good and you feel full and happy afterwards and you get all fat and lazy or B) you ignore it/eat something else and it’s okay but it’s not nearly as satisfying.

Mostly (for me, anyway) horny is about scratching that itch and getting that fullness and satisfaction and all the happy hormones. Turned on is a whole different thing altogether and requires intimacy or mental stimulation.

10. “I have trouble thinking about anything other than my complete desire to be filled.”

Starts with a warm, tingling pulsation of my clit and increasing wetness and builds up from there, to the point of frustration where I have trouble thinking about anything other than my complete desire to be filled.

11. “A mild touch of my hand on my thigh might send me shivering.”

So I start off just getting a little bit flushed. I feel mildly hotter all over my body and I start to get really aware of how soft my skin feels. A mild touch of my hand on my thigh might send me shivering. I often rub my thighs together if I’m in public to alleviate the need to move, but it pretty much ends up with me getting hotter.

I can feel myself start to throb and my breathing starts to fluctuate. Then the thoughts start coming, every hot situation you’ve been in, all the guys you thought were cute, and all the fantasies you’ve been having lately. I often find myself thinking about a fantasy and have to abruptly stop or I’ll get really frantic with the need to have sex.

Something that always happens is the need to be filled, I can’t describe it but I just feel empty and want something in me; sliding. Even if you take care of yourself you can still feel the echoing throb, the clenching of your muscles wanting to pull something inside of you.

Yeah, also you get really wet.

12. “Sometimes I have so many other symptoms going on that I don’t even realize it’s horniness.”

Sometimes I have so many other symptoms going on that I don’t even realize it’s horniness. I get very antsy, I just want to go on an adventure. I want to eat good food, drive fast, do something exciting! Then when I finally have sex I’m like, oh that’s all I needed, and I can finally relax.

13. “It’s more like this achy, throbbing desire for pressure.”

Am I the only chick here who doesn’t like the” itch” analogy? That sounds gross. To me, it’s more like this achy, throbbing desire for pressure on the outside parts, and the feeling of needing something in me to grip on. Damnit, now I’m horny.

14. “There’s a tingly sensation as well as a lot of warmth.”

It’s sort of like a craving to be touched that increases the more aroused I am. It spreads through my vulva with a flushing feeling that builds up. There’s a tingly sensation as well as a lot of warmth and I start getting wet. As it all increases I just get this really really tingly and warm feel that makes me have such a strong desire to be touched.

So following up to that, when I’m like just really really aroused there’s this tingly (yes more tingles!) butterflies-in-stomach kind of feeling which basically like pulses throughout my body and into my pussy and it just is a really intense and kind of different response. It’s hard to explain and I’m not sure if it’s like this for others, but it gets really strong. It also makes me feel really dirty…though not in a bad way. On my clitoris and in my vagina is just like this constantly racing and very moist sexual warmth and my legs pretty much spread involuntarily and I get squirmy at this point. There often also comes this strong desire to be…filled. On the topic of wetness, its pretty easy to notice and everything becomes so much more sensitive, not just sexual parts (though they definitely do too) I get a real excited feel in my head, but its also really relaxed at the same time. I just kind of go into a trance lol. My breathing normally speeds up, and mentally I just shift into this more sex-centered zone where I feel this need to be stimulated so very much or if with a partner then things like kiss them.

15. “Imagine having a meat cave in between your legs that really likes the thought of having something inside of it.”

The clit is basically like a little pleasure button with a bunch of nerves bundled up behind it. 99% of the time I forget it’s there because I’m not actively thinking about it, but when I get horny it throbs sometimes. It also gets hard when aroused (this is true of most women I believe). But, when touched on its own, it’s just uncomfortable. It’s more of a pleasure enhancer than the whole experience. If I’m wet, or already having sex, touching it in the right way can make me squirt…which I’m sure you can understand by comparing it to how a man cums.

Also when I’m aroused I get wet (obviously) and my labia gets thicker, and the muscles of my vagina contract. Imagine having a meat cave in between your legs that really likes the thought of having something inside of it, stretching it out and pounding it repeatedly. I know that’s not very helpful but hear me out. Each new thrust inside of the vagina makes all of the walls of the vagina feel a tingly but satisfying pleasure sensation. It builds up, and the more you tease it the more it wants. Each thrust feels so good that when the thing is taken out of it (dildo, penis, whatever) that it misses the feeling and wants it even more… it’s a constant buildup and takeaway.

At the same time, the rest of the lady parts are also engorged and wet and would enjoy teasing too. The g spot is fucking AMAZING. It’s pretty much an insta-cum spot, at least for me. It’s like taking all of the pleasure from sex that gets built up over time and concentrating it one area. My vision goes black and I can only focus on pleasure. But that release eventually leads to fatigue or soreness, it’s like when you eat to curb your appetite but you just keep eating… it can be too satisfying too soon depending on what you’re going for.

Anyway those are just some thoughts in the best way I can articulate them. Feel free to ask any questions.

16. “Sometimes I can feel my pulse through my vagina.”

I saw this thread and thought “I was born for this” because I have the biggest sex drive of anyone I know but then I realized I didn’t have anything interesting to say that hadn’t already been said. Clit gets bigger, feels more sensitive, and warmth from the rush of blood. Sometimes I can feel my pulse through my vagina, which is cool.

I’m a nymphomaniac.

17. “Tingly and wet.”

Tingly and wet. When you want to touch yourself but can’t because you’re in class is the worst. Rubbing your thighs together just gives you a tiny pleasurable sensation.

18. “The only thing in the entire universe that I want is a tongue lapping at my clit.”

It depends on the amount and type of horniness. Whatever I’m craving completely occupies my mind and has different effects on me. I have what I refer to as oral, boob, clitoral, or vaginal horniness. They can all stand alone or there can be a blending of two or more. Descriptions of each horniness in stand-alone mode:

Clitoral horniness: When this is the only type of horniness I have, the only thing in the entire universe that I want is a tongue lapping at my clit, or maybe something vibrating against it. If there’s no face or toy immediately handy, I can just lay there and fantasize about it for, like, hours. This horniness is the one that makes my clit the most achy and…. throbby. You know how, if you’re ticklish, you can sort of feel someone’s touch already if their hands get close to a ticklish spot? If I’m horny enough, I can almost feel a tongue on me in much the same way.

Vaginal horniness: Primal, hungry desire to have something inside me. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. This is the one that causes me to mindlessly hump things. Conveniently, I seem to get wettest with this kind of horniness. Thoughts drift to fantasies of insertion in super slow motion, but I usually act on this kind of horniness more quickly than clitoral.

Oral horniness: I want a dick in my mouth right now. If I’m in public, I will think about sucking off any halfway decent-looking guy I see. I’ll nervously chew on things or rub my lips a lot to prevent myself from biting them to hell. Eating becomes a more enjoyable/sensual experience. It’s really hard to talk to guys without coming off as aloof.

Boob horniness: I really, really want my boobs played with/looked at. The thought of having my tits sucked on is the sexiest thing in the world, and I couldn’t care less about getting off. I’m much more likely to try and show them off when I’m feeling this way, or subtly play with them/fondle them in public. I feel weirdly more dominant with this horniness than the other types.

19. “Instead of needing to be scratched, you want pressure.”

A lot of people are describing it as a tingling or warm feeling, but I tend to experience it as almost like the feeling of having an itch, but instead of needing to be scratched, you want pressure. I also find that if I read/see something erotic I feel a pulse/throb.

20. “Everything is warm and swollen and wet and the feeling of oh. god. yes.”

For me, it starts out in a way that I imagine is similar to guys. I start getting distracted. In the car alone or when watching TV, I find myself subconsciously getting restless in my seat or touching my neck. I meet mediocre looking guys and immediately seek to confirm a vacant left ring finger, then start scrounging for their best attributes and justifying why I feel like I’m holding back to keep from pressing my body against them. It clouds everything. Then, once the engines are actually revved and you’re getting down to business with someone who is halfway talented, the touches are amplified, everything gets warm and relaxed, yet intense. I, personally, have a tendency to get needy and rush things. My hips want to grind. Then comes the entrance. Everything is warm and swollen and wet and the feeling of oh. god. yes. That’s what I’ve been looking for! It’s tingly and relaxing and satisfying…

Guys. Tip (ha): Don’t rush that moment. Get in, all the way in, and press your whole body against body, chest to chest, add a deep kiss, hold it for just another second and…then go to town.

21. “It’s like an itch that’s impossible to scratch.”

It’s like an itch that’s impossible to scratch.

It starts with my clit feeling “itchy,” like it needs a thumb or a tongue or a dick on it. Then the sensation builds and builds to where I must.have.clit.scratching.

It’s more a void to be filled than anything else … And once that void is filled, I want more.

I want to be fucked, and flipped over, and ridden hard. I want to be used. I want to be violated in the most fucked-up ways possible. And then … After everything comes galloping to an orgasmic end … I just want to be cuddled. Hugged and felt safe and warm and that’s all. Maybe have my back scratched, in exchange for back scratching.

My nails aren’t long, but they’re scratchy. I want a man who appreciates that.

22. “Vagina – wet.”

Vagina – wet. Brain – wanting to fuck stuff.

23. “You know the weird feeling you get when you have goose bumps?”

Well it’s different for everybody, plus I’m on the fence about what I identify as, but meh.

I’ve always just felt warm (vagina wise) and it just kinda spreads to everywhere the longer it goes on. You know the weird feeling you get when you have goose bumps? I get that on my thighs/waist and have this desperate need to be touched. It’s even better when I’m already cold because then I just start imagining how warm and snuggly it would be to have somebody hold me or something, and it’s just like fuck man I don’t even care about who it is anymore, just do it.

It also happens very randomly for me. Thinking about kissing does it, but most of the time it’s just “vagina no” but then vagina’s all like “vagina yes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” and I end up getting horny at very awkward times.

Then I remember that I’m single and eat some cheesecake because being horny makes me very hungry.

24. “I feel an overwhelming need to have a penis inside me.”

For me it starts as an overall tingling sensation in the pelvic region. There is increased wetness that can be felt. At this point, an overwhelming need to have something, as a straight women (cannot speak for others) this is the point where I feel an overwhelming need to have a penis inside me. Whenever I am actually horny, a vibrator will never suffice.

25. “It just starts as a slow dull pulse combined with a pleasurable ache.”

It’s a slow build-up. It just starts as a slow dull pulse combined with a pleasurable ache that starts to put pressure on your clit. It starts to build, the pulse turns into a teasing throb, you can feel the slickness building. You can’t move in your seat without having the urge to continue to grind down to get some relief. It just gets more intense, builds, and won’t stop until you finally get a much-needed release.

26. “It is exquisite torture.”

For me, it starts deep in the pit of my stomach. It feels sort of like the normal butterflies-in-your-stomach, but much more intense, an unceasing tingling. It spreads down to my clitoris. Along with the tingling is this heat that spreads throughout my body until my ears are burning and I know I’m blushing.

It is exquisite torture.

27. “I want to be filled.”

When I get horny, it’s not just a feeling in my pelvis. I also desperately want my boobs to be played with too. I want to feel them bounce around or get sucked or groped. They get all sensitive and my nipples get hard. If they actually get touched it is the best feeling EVER, chills throughout entire body. I want that just as much as I want to be filled.

sigh I need a boyfriend.

28. “Eventually the tingling radiates to my extremities if I let it go long enough.”

Sometimes it starts with a warmth unfurling in your belly which blooms and spreads between my thighs, accompanied by a throbbing in my clit (I can feel my pulse between my legs, thumping and throbbing.) Then there are tingles which feel like they start inside my opening and radiate out over my labia. I imagine I can feel the swelling and buildup to the wetness of my arousal, and all I want is pressure. It becomes maddening, and the blossoms of warmth (almost the same as butterflies or the feeling you get of anticipation or nerves) will roll over and over inside me like a precursor to that orgasm I’m so desperate for at that point. Inevitably I’ll be more aware of the rest of my body; if I’m walking they’re might be an exaggerated sway to my hips, or if I’m sitting I will squirm like the sexy ladies have mentioned, or run my fingers over any exposed skin because it will all become hypersensitive. I’ll egg it on by contracting my pelvic muscles so that they clench and send delicious waves of intense sensation further inside me and cause the throbbing to increase. My heartbeat gets irregular, my pussy feels like it’s empty and in desperate need of filling, and eventually the tingling radiates to my extremities if I let it go long enough. Also my sense of smell heightens….

I’ve now reached the persistent fantasy of having my face shoved into the pillow, hair in hand, and a big, thick cock pushing inside of me agonizingly slow before pounding the shit out of my eager pussy until I’m spent. To the point I can almost feel it now.

29. “It’s kind of like feeling queasy, but not quite unpleasant.”

You get a “rush” of warmth that goes from your abdomen to between your legs. It’s kind of like feeling queasy, but not quite unpleasant. It can feel a little overwhelming, so that’s where the squirming comes in. The whole area feels warm and all you can think about is getting fucked in the most depraved, primordial manner. You look at people and think about fucking them. The way a man sits becomes attractive. A girl bending over is too. It becomes impossible to concentrate on anything else.

30. “I have this strong desire to be defiled.”

My cheeks will flush and I hear things in hi-def, as weird as that sounds. I really want something in my hands. My hands feel empty. My mouth feels empty. My body feels empty. I have this strong desire to be defiled and I get agitated until it’s fulfilled or I get distracted somehow.

31. “It’s like that itch on the inside of your hand that you just can’t scratch.”

It’s like that itch on the inside of your hand that you just can’t scratch. You feel the need to have something in you. There’s like a pulsing in the vulva that never stops until you’re satisfied. There’s so many fluids too. I could cure a small 3rd world country of its lack of water just from my vagina. And this isn’t until our Lady erection goes away either. It lasts until we get some. I got lady blue balls right now because I can’t get enough alone time with my boyfriend to have sex and going solo only satisfies for so long…

32. “I wonder if that guy has a nice dick. I bet he does.”

“I wonder if that guy has a nice dick. I bet he does. I’d touch it. I wonder if he can tell I want to touch it. How’s my cleavage? On point. Has he seen my ass yet? I can facilitate that if he hasn’t. Or remind him if he has… I really should carry a change of underwear on me, this is gross. At this point, entrance is irrelevant, someone had better stick something inside of me. I really need to get laid.”

–daily thought process

33. “I feel this heat and physical ache to be fucked.”

It starts off with tingles in my clit that slowly makes its way up to my nipples. It’s barely noticeable—almost like a hum in the background.

If I’m in front of a guy, sometimes it makes me want to stretch in a seemingly innocuous manner but what I’m really doing is stretching my top taut against my breasts and hard nipples.

If I’m standing, I clench my thighs together to squeeze my clit, and the slight pressure feels good enough to make me want to moan a little.

If I’m sitting, I cross my legs and start sliding my ass around the seat very slowly, almost as though I was grinding the chair. I start getting wet and my mind starts conjuring up fantasies—usually of someone grabbing my hips and sliding their dick in.

If I’m sucking on cock, mmmm, that just makes me feel wild and dirty and very slutty, and all I want to do is to grip the cock hard and go to town. There is this enthusiasm that really can’t be faked and a drive to turn the man on.

If I’m about to fuck, my pussy is drooling, and I feel this heat and physical ache to be fucked. My clit is swollen and throbbing, and I can feel each pulse and flutter. My nipples are hard and all I want is to be filled and stretched out.

If I’m fucking, then I want to ride hard, get the cock as deep in myself as I can, have the man’s hands on my hips gripping me tight. And I want to be owned and fucked hard until my pussy is clenching and cumming all over a hard cock.

34. “Sometimes it’s just a want to be held and touched, gently, intimately.”

That totally depends.

Sometimes it’s a gorgeously slow build that strikes from a thought or a quick glimpse of something, then heat that transitions into wetness.

Sometimes it’s a quick jolt right to core, with instant drenched panties.

Sometimes it’s just a want to be held and touched, gently, intimately.

Sometimes it’s a desire to be held down and pounded.

Usually it’s a desire to be filled making me grumpy I don’t have something to fill my clenching muscles with.

35. “At my horniest I find literally anyone attractive.”

At my horniest I find literally anyone attractive. That creeper dude who once broke a chair by sitting on it, let’s bang. That old dude on the bus, let’s bang. That sort of cute checkout girl, let’s bang.

It only gets this bad when I’m super hormonal but it always takes me forever to figure it out.

Basically for me though, when I’m super horny anyone will do and it’s only after I’ve come that I realize how crazy that was. This happens after watching porn. While I’m masturbating while super horny anything seems hot but when I finish its like oh god why am I watching this Fake Cab video?!

36. “It’s like I wanna ram something up my pussy.”

Fuck this poetry shit. It’s like I wanna ram something up my pussy. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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