Leah Thomas

Articles by
Leah Thomas
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Stay With A Cheater
An unfaithful partner will claim they made the biggest “mistake of their life” by “accidentally” being intimate with another person. No. Do not believe this.
10 Ways To Help Your College Relationship Survive Summer Vacation
Even though you’ll think of them often, time will go by even faster if you have busy days.
7 Reasons Why Having Small Boobs Is Awesome
1. You can wear dresses without a bra.
A Message To My New Boyfriend’s Ex, Who Can’t Seem To Get Over Him
Hi, I’m the new girl and I have a few things to say to you.
11 Reasons Why I Like You
I can’t help but laugh with you. It’s not just my normal flirtatious I’m-on-a-first-date laugh that I’ve practiced in the mirror; you make me do my true, ugly laugh.
6 Things Girls Never Want To Hear About Your Ex
If you bad mouth her and get filled with strong sensitive bad emotions when you bring her up, it makes us think that you’re bitter and not over her. Why would I want to be with someone who still holds on to the past?