1. Your morning cup of tea or coffee.
2. Rain pattering on your windows.
3. Your mom.
4. Your dog (or memories you have of him/her).
5. A really good book.
6. Your favorite kind of chocolate.
7. Comfort food.
8. The roof over your head.
9. A welcoming hot shower.
10. Your inhales and exhales.
11. A giant hug from someone you love.
12. Freshly washed sheets.
13. Old music that reminds you of your childhood.
14. Your bed at the end of a long day.
15. Your favorite blanket.
16. Unboxing a package from Amazon.
17. Your health.
18. Cool and fresh air.
19. Watching plants and trees grow.
20. The beginning of a new month.
21. Sunsets and sunrises.
22. The fact that you have a functioning body and brain.
23. Your best friends that you know will always be there.
24. The fact that you can read this and have internet access.
25. The heartbreaks that gave you more strength and love for yourself.
26. Your beautiful mind.
27. The moon.
28. Your future husband or wife.
29. Your future kids.
30. The opportunity of tomorrow.
31. Laughter that makes you cry.
32. The relief you feel after a hard conversation.
33. Kisses that stop time.
34. A really good pedicure.
35. A clean and made up bed.
36. Clean water.
37. A glass of red wine.
38. Your youth.
39. Small acts of kindness.
40. Your ability to see.
41. Your ability to feel.
42. Your ability to love.
43. Fresh flowers.
44. Making someone else smile.
45. Ellen Degeneres.
46. Knowing that you are never alone.
47. All of your memories and the lessons you learned from each of them.
48. Your future that is so, so bright.
49. Your beating heart.
50. Yourself, because you are the only you in the world.