Laura Pioli

Writer, phone-a-holic, instagrammer, iced coffee addict (okay, mostly that last one).
Articles by
Laura Pioli
No, I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend
I won’t come back when my feelings are all gone so we can hang out.
A Ranking Of Every Song Off Of ‘Reputation’ By Taylor Swift
There’s a lot of the 1989, Red, Speak Now and Taylor Swift in this new brand shining Taylor, those eras will not die, they will forever live with her and her past, current and future Reputation. So well done, Taylor Swift, you’ve done it again! Even though I still think Jake Gyllenhaal should take one for the team and break her heart a tiny bit again, so she can write the record we truly deserve.
To The Girl He Picked Over Me
You did it, I didn’t. He chose you. That is what matters. He chose YOU.
A Love Letter To Myself
To me, myself, and I. To the one that I was, I am and I will become: carry on.
I Keep Loving People Who Leave
They all stick around, promising me things using only words and not many actions. They love me. They say it over and over, they miss me, they need me, they like me. And I believe them.
23 Reasons Why Hardcore ‘Directioners’ Are The Best People To Be Around
That’s what makes them beautiful.
I’m Sorry We Never Got To See If We Could Have Made It
I am sorry for all the times I insisted what you were giving me was not enough, because you know what, I get it, you were falling asleep by the time I was getting up, but if you REALLY wanted this we could have make it work.