59 Reasons You Should Live In Michigan At Least Once

1. The pure bliss of watching the sunset over Lake Michigan on the pier on a beautiful summer evening.
2. Or getting away from it all and heading “Up North” to the quiet beauty of Northern Michigan.
3. Stargazing in the U.P. and feeling so small staring up at that big, open sky.
4. Authentic delicious Coney dogs in Jackson, Flint, and Detroit.
5. Vernors forever. Even if it was way better a decade ago.
6. Better Made Potato Chips and Faygo Red Pop for days.
7. Traverse City Film and Cherry Festival.
8. Traverse City in general because it’s one of the greatest places in the state.
9. Watching a summer thunderstorm come in over the lake.
10. Participating in the great Michigan vs. Michigan State debate.
11. Sunday drives through the countryside in the fall and witnessing one of the most beautiful times of the year.
12. Red Wings games at The Joe.
13. Eating your weight in Mackinac Island fudge and taffy.
14. Having a lake only 20 minutes away from you at all times.
15. Being able to identify someone as a Yooper or a Troll.
16. Oktoberfest in Frankenmuth.
17. Long, summer days spent out on the lake when the sun seems to stay out long past its curfew.
18. Hudsonville ice cream all day every day.
19. Grocery shopping trips at Meijer.
20. And especially being there on the days they give out free samples.
21. The gorgeous Northern Lights on a clear night in the U.P.
22. Riding the Kal-Haven trail.
24. And loving how crazy people get over them.
25. Jiffy blueberry muffins – the only muffins ever worth mentioning.
26. Returning pop and beer cans and getting enough back to buy more pop or beer.
27. Drinking tasty, boozy drinks out of Mason jars.
28. Spending a weekend shopping in Saugatuck/Douglas.
29. Friendly strangers everywhere you go.
31. The amazing Middle Eastern cuisine in Dearborn.
32. Being able to use your hands as maps.
33. Rooting for the Lions every Thanksgiving even though they’re terrible.
34. Summer vacations to Mackinac Island or Cedar Point.
35. Frankenmuth’s Bavarian culture and their “world famous fried chicken.”
36. Oberon release day in Kalamazoo.
37. Bell Isle.
38. Lazy, relaxing days spent trout or salmon fishing.
39. Cozy little dive bars where the patrons are friendly, the whiskey is strong, and the drinks are cheap.
40. Being able to experience the beauty of all four seasons.
41. The heavenly and delicious existence of Pastys.
42. Taking a step back in time at Greenfield Village.
43. The sugary sweet coffee confections of Biggby Coffee.
44. The weird and quirky roadside attractions on a road trip heading “Up North.”
45. Always having something to do outdoors regardless of the season.
46. The awe-inspiring views of the Mackinac Bridge.
47. Bronner’s in July (because it’s too damn crowded in December).
48. Enjoying a meal at Clementine’s in South Haven followed by a walk down to the pier.
49. Silver Lake sand dunes.
50. Relishing in the quiet beauty of Lake Superior.
51. The Woodward Dream Cruise.
53. Seeing the blue “Welcome to Michigan” highway sign when you enter the state and feeling so glad to be back home.
54. Garden Fresh salsa and hummus. Seriously, they should be incorporated into at least one snack or meal a day.
55. Access to tons of delicious craft breweries.
56. The annual county fair – people watching, farm animals, and delicious fried foods in one great place together.
57. Tiger’s games at Comerica Park.
58. Splishing and splashing around at Michigan Adventure.
59. Camping in the U.P. to watch meteor showers and feeling like you’re a million miles away from the rest of the world.