Kate Harveston

Kate Harveston is a professional blogger working her way into the world of politics.
Articles by
Kate Harveston
6 Common Skin Problems in Your Twenties and How to Tackle Them
When we think of skin care, many of us focus only on what we can do to take care of the skin on our faces. However, it’s important to remember that skin care is important for our entire bodies.
4 Practical Ways To Stop Your Phone From Harming Your Health
With a proper awareness for the health issues caused by smartphones, you can develop improved, intentional practices to take better care of yourself.
An Open Letter Of Advice To All Of The Struggling College Students Out There
Let me tell you, that’s no way to survive your next few years of school.
Why Does Everyone Hate Millennials?
People hate millennials because people hate change, but millennials continually prove that while struggling to eat, pay bills or dream of anything bigger than our closet-sized apartments, we can change the world.
8 Of The Most Ridiculous Things That Have Already Happened In 2017
If 2016 was a dumpster fire of a year, some may argue that 2017 has spread beyond the dumpster and started burning down the neighborhood.