8 Reasons Why Intelligent And Financially Stable People Don’t Want Kids

Now, I am by no means claiming that all people in this category don’t want children, but a strong majority fit the bill. I also, cannot speak to the cultural norms of young adults in other countries, but having had these conversations with friends both West and East Coast located, I can speak confidently about the American dynamic (and likely the Canadian one). I don’t have any middle American opinions to weigh on, but stereotypes suggest they don’t meet the title criteria anyway.

To qualify my opinions, I’ll give a little background on myself. I am a 25-year-old female who got her bachelors at 20 (via her own funding) and bought her own house at 22. I have no debt other than my mortgage, yet I own a nice car, have a fully furnished home, and travel outside of the country on vacation about twice a year. I will confidently put myself in the intelligent, financially stable category.

So, to begin: Studies show that the more advanced a country becomes, the lower its birthrate becomes. There are several factors at play here such as birth control and family planning. But there’s also the ‘want’ factor. Quite frankly, the smarter we become, the less inclined we are to want that child. We know what kind of burden is being proposed. We’ve thought through all the details. We’ve analyzed families that are popping up around us. And we know – children are not for us.

We even get upset at other people for having children. Not because we’re jealous, but because they clearly failed to think of the consequences. Their poor forethought disqualifies them from rating as intelligent. They may still have some smarts, but they’re obviously not as high minded as we are.

All in all, there are 8 common reasons why intelligent, financially stable young adults do not want children.

1. We’re selfish.

This really is the root of all other points. We didn’t go to college to get our careers for the sake of the white picket fence. We did it so that we could feel confident in our stake in this world. More importantly, we did it so that we could afford to do what we want, when we want. A child is a terrible road block in that plan. Not only does it destroy the ‘when’, it sucks away at the money that gives us the means to feed our desires. We’ve grown used to having our own time, our own schedules, and to not having to share. Having a child would require us to give up 99% of that freedom. That’s a terrible trade.

2. We don’t like where society is going.

Unfortunately, this is a bit of a catch 22. We don’t like that that population is getting dumber (as we see it), but we also don’t want to help it by having our own offspring. We think the people emerging in American society are lazy idiots that are ignorantly bringing about Armageddon. Knowing that we don’t want to raise a child in an environment not fit to support them, we choose to refrain. So, we’re letting the problem multiply exponentially. If you haven’t seen the movie Idiocracy, it may be in your best interest to see what the United States is undoubtedly going to look like in the future.

3. We think we’re better than everyone else.

This is a lot like point 2, and it also seems like it should have nothing to do with the desire to have children – but it does. This is because we know that we can raise our kid better than anyone else. We can teach them at a higher level than the public school system, and we’re too selfish to pay for private schooling. So we’d feel inclined to teach them ourselves. We don’t have that kind of time. That’s not only pulling into our 1% of “me time” that would remain, but it also would force us to adjust our work situation, which pulls at our pockets and starts to destroy that financial stability we want – in order to get the things we want. So, rather than go through that ordeal and worry about idiots raising our children, we decide it’s best to avoid the problem all together.

4. We like money.

Again, we work hard to play hard. We didn’t work those forty hours so that some snot-nosed brat can nag us endlessly for a new Xbox game. First of all, we want to play that new Xbox game, and we don’t want to have to share the screen time with you. Furthermore, kids have this way of constantly getting bigger – requiring frequent clothing purchases. We’ve learned to appreciate better quality materials around our bodies, but we take care of them, only having to add to our wardrobe in pieces, not fell swoops. We don’t even want to get into saving for someone else’s college, first car, and their inevitable return to our house at age twenty because society has failed them.

5. We don’t actually like children.

Now, some people like kids. Some intelligent, financially secure adults even like kids. But a lot of us don’t. Maybe it’s because we’re still kids ourselves. It’s hard to say, but we don’t have the patience to entertain a small child for more than twenty minutes. After that, we begin desperately searching for the parent or another child so that our new shadow finds someone else to latch onto. After all, we didn’t go to our friend’s house to hang out with a five year old and pretend like we were on a Safari. We went there to brag about the real Safari we just went on because of all our free time and money.

6. We don’t like responsibility.

Every single one of us puts on a good show. We wear nice clothes. We get our hair done. We go to work. But when we get back to our homes that we live in either by ourselves or with partners worthy of our presence, we don’t actually want to be responsible. Responsibility is a real drag. If we had our way, we’d live in some cabana on the beach where we laid around all day sipping mojitos and mingling with like-minded people. But we also can’t aid in society’s failure, so we take on about as much responsibility as one sanely can. After that, we sit around in our underwear and leave dishes in the sink until someone from the outside world comes over. How could we take care of a kid when we don’t take care of ourselves? We’d feel a need to increase our responsibility in order to not only take care of them, but to set a good example. We are not role models – we’re too selfish.

7. The world is too crowded.

We’ve thought about the planet. We recycle. We compost. We have the financial means to buy local, organic groceries so that we can put a stop to Monsanto, and save the world one chicken cutlet at a time. But, in case you missed it, society is failing us. People are popping up everywhere. They’re polluting the skies. They’re driving demand for mass produced goods. They’re overcrowding schools to the point where quality is suffering. Why would we add to this burden? Instead, we’re hopefully looking at the Mission to Mars and wondering if there’s a chance to do it right somewhere else. After all, there are too many people here now to fix what’s already broken.

8. That child comes out of where?

Now, obviously No. 8 doesn’t apply to men – though we hope they sympathize with our plight. We’ve seen how big newborn babies are, and we certainly don’t want to squeeze that thing out of our vagina. Not to mention the consequences of that. Will our cooch still be a happy place that welcomes private visitors, or will it be some ruin that several tourists can visit at a time? And our body… We’ve used a lot of our selfish time to maintain our figure. We don’t want to have to do that again – it’s tough – and we have less time now? No thank you.

You can argue that we can help the world population and society issue and save our precious vag by adopting, and we’ve thought about that. After all, we fully analyzed the concept. We’ve even considered what we would do if we did have kids. So you better believe, we ruled out adoption long ago. Issues 1 through 6 address why this is a no go. And instead of option 7, we’ve decided we don’t like broken things with a poor maintenance history. How well did that mother eat when she was pregnant? How was this kid raised? What baggage am I also getting? No, we like to buy new things from accredited companies. We don’t trust the factory that that kid came from.

At this time, you’re probably thinking, “What a selfish bitch.” You’re not wrong. I covered at least one of those points. But I’m only describing what others have also said and thought. We’re not heartless. We care for our friends and the family we have, but we don’t feel obligated by familial and societal pressures. We’re hoping more people see the truth of things so that the population thins out and stabilizes. Unfortunately, it’s more likely that people are going to start watering their plants with Gatorade. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

image – chase_elliott

About the author

Jill Akridge

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