This Petsitter Accused Of Animal Abuse Is Still On the Loose And Her Victims Might Never Recover

This is Ashley Marie Davis.


In November, Ashley began the process of adopting a dog named Lucky from owner Justine Stinnett. As of today, Ashley stands accused of being a serial pet abuser who starved Lucky and another dog she adopted named Simpson. Ashley has been employed as a petsitter.

Below, on the left, is Lucky the dog before he was adopted from previous owner Justine Stinnett. The picture on the left is after Lucky was adopted by Ashley and had been under her care.

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Below is Simpson, another dog that Ashley is accused of adopting and then starving. Ashley is pictured below with Simpson before he had been under her care. On the right is Simpson after Ashley had taken him under her care.

Simpson is blind but was rescued yesterday. It is believed that he’ll recover.

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More images of Lucky after he was rescued by his previous owner Justine Stinnett.

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Justine Stinnett originally became suspicious of Ashley after attempting to confirm that Lucky was being well treated and that all the terms of his adoption contract with Ashley were being followed.

Below is Justine’s Facebook Messenger conversation with Ashley as she tries to confirm that Lucky is being well cared for and that he has been neutered as per their agreement.

It’s a terrifying ordeal in which Ashley doesn’t want to provide proof and keeps putting Justine off.

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Justine is getting desperate at this point and Ashley claims to have moved when Justine says she’ll come by Ashley’s house to verify everything is okay.

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Ashley doesn’t want to give Justine her new address.

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Then Ashley sends Justine cropped pictures without the proof.

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And then the hammer drops, Ashley sends Justine a bad picture of Lucky but you can still clearly tell he has lost a lot of weight.

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At this point Justine is desperate to rescue Lucky from the nightmare she’s unwittingly exposed him to.

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At this point, Justine is done dealing with excuses.

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Soon after, Ashley finally arranges a time for Justine to pick Lucky up. Ashley is not at the address when Justine and her boyfriend arrive and Justine receives a message saying Lucky is in the back.

Upon finding Lucky, Justine’s boyfriend documented the conditions Lucky was found in, abandoned in a cage in the back of Ashley’s residence with no food or water and having lost 50% of his body weight. It is absolutely heartbreaking.

Below is Ashley’s description of how Lucky was found.

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Ashley is currently being sought by law enforcement and Lucky, while there was hope that he might recover, now faces possible heart failure due to his emaciated state.

Lucky had weighed 50lbs when Justine dropped him of to Ashley and weighed only 25lbs when Ashley finally was able to rescue him.

Here is Justine’s most recent entry.

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A crowdfunding site was soon set up on YouCaring for Lucky. Thus far it has received over $11,000 in donations for the rehabilitation of both Lucky and Simpson. You can receive updates on Lucky at the YouCaring site and on Justine’s Facebook page.

If you know Ashley or know where she is please contact law enforcement and appraise them of the situation. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Jeff Markum

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