January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
30 Donald Trump Memes To Remind You How Much He Sucks
You might hate our president, but you will love these Donald Trump memes.
The Law Of Mirroring Explains Why You Keep Attracting The Same People, Places And Problems
Life is not happening to you, it is a reflection of you.
40 Dad Memes That Are Funnier Than Any Of His Corny Jokes
Sure, dad jokes are funny — but these dad memes are even more hysterical.
33 Mom Memes Every Kid Can Understand
These mom memes are going to make you want to call your mother and tell her you miss her.
Hygge: 6 Ways To Embrace The Danish Art Of Enjoying Everyday Life
“Hugga,” which means “to comfort,” or “to console,” it is correlated with the English word for “hug.”
50+ True Crime Stories That Will Shock You To Your Core
These true crime stories will shock and terrify you (and maybe keep you up at night, too).
What Your Summer Persona Is, According To Your Zodiac
Gemini: Wild & Free
Here’s What Leading Sitcom Character You Are, According To Your Zodiac
Virgo: Monica Geller, Friends
100+ Exciting Games To Play When Bored
There are plenty of ways to keep your friends entertained. Here are the perfect games to play when bored out of your mind.
Why Do Female Dogs Hump?
There is nothing wrong with a dog humping — but that doesn’t mean you have to let the behavior continue.
Why Do Dogs Eat Cat Poop?
Eating poop is a behavior called coprophagia. If you notice your dog doing so, it might be a sign of a dietary deficiency.
Why Do Wolves Howl?
Because of the way these animals are portrayed in movies and on television, most people assume that wolves howl at the moon — but that is completely false.
Why Do Cats Knead?
If you own a cat then you have probably watched it knead blankets, pillows, or even your own lap with its paws.
There’s A Life-Changing Eclipse Happening In July, And This Is What It Will Mean For Each Sign
Lunar eclipses represent a time in which to reset your emotions and to clear away anything you are storing from previous months or years.
The Four Temperaments: Are You An Explorer, A Builder, A Negotiator, Or A Director?
It is believed that 50 percent of who we are stems from our biology.
What You Need To Stop Doing Immediately, According To Your Zodiac
Sagittarius: Taking Everything So Seriously
How To Know You’re In A Healthy Relationship, According To Your Zodiac
Aquarius: When you are in a healthy relationship, your partner will make you feel valued, smart, and understood
Why Do I Hate Myself?
It’s easy to feel like no one is ever going to love you when you were cheated on in the past.