Everything You Need To Know About The Taurus In Your Life
A Taurus is very indulgent, creative, and lazy. They are best suited for someone who doesn't mind relaxing and staying in a few nights a week.

People born under Taurus are very strong people. They have an attractive sense of confidence and stability. While they tend to be emotionally closed off and distrustful almost to the extent of being paranoid, if you earn the trust of a Taurus they will be the best friend or partner you could ever ask for.
Taurus Dates
April 20 – May 21
Taurus Sign
Taurus Ruling Planet
Taurus Zodiac quality
Taurus Element
Taurus Positive Traits
Loyal, Stable, Sensual
Taurus Negative Traits
Stubborn, Selfish, Emotionally closed off
Taurus Personality Traits
A Taurus is the best representation of growth and development in the whole of the Zodiac. This is why Taureans are often considered to be very rooted and earthy nurturers. They are highly caring, and compassionate.
Every Taurus needs harmony in their life. They are constantly concerned with making everything around them pleasurable and lovely to look at. They are deeply material, and their happiness relies on possessions and security in their lifestyle. A Taurus’ need for harmony often causes them to be quite flexible, though they are known for being extremely stubborn. They often struggle to find a balance, but their internal quest for simplicity helps for them to find symmetry in their personality.
As a very airy and changeable individual, a Taurus often struggles to find their autonomy. It is very important for them to develop independence, and to learn how to take care of themselves without the help of others. In order to do so, a Taurus must understand that the world does not revolve around them, and that they cannot always be the center of attention. They have to learn how to develop healthy habits alone.
A Taurus will never say no to indulging in the most physical matters. They enjoy food deeply, are very sexual creatures, and enjoy sports. However, they do not crave constant activity, often needing to recharge and relax after a long day. Sometimes, a Taurus will prefer to stay home, where things are comfortable and familiar and simple.
A Taurus boasts strong observational skills. They have the ability to map out, strategize, and solve problems or implement plans. However, they are known to procrastinate, because they do not always need to be in action. Finding a balance between relaxing and working extremely hard is often a struggle for a Taurus, as they love both sides equally, but do not crave them at the same time. It is either action or inaction, work or comfort.
A natural born team leader, a Taurus enjoys team work when they are in charge and have the ability to add individual touches to the project. They are dominant, and fight back urges to lead when they are not in a position that allows them to do so. Their stubborn nature is combative here, and they will often argue until things are done their way.
Taureans can be considered quite selfish due to their stubbornness and their strong beliefs. They always protect their own interests above anything else, as to ensure their comfort. However, they are highly intuitive, and can be people pleasers because of that. They take it to heart when they see people who need a compassionate hand, and will always live for the people they care about.
Taurus Compatibility
A Taurus is very indulgent, creative, and lazy. They are best suited for someone who doesn’t mind relaxing and staying in a few nights a week, while still catering to their creativity and physicality. A Cancer is an amazing match for a Taurus, because they will relate to a Taureans need for security and deep, serious relationships. A Cancer is also an empath who is compassionate, so they will appreciate and love a Taurus’ sensitivity and need for emotionality.
Taurus Compatibility Chart
Taurus and Aries Compatibility: An Aries will be annoyed that homebody Taurus likes to relax more than adventure out into the world, and the Taurus will be annoyed that they aren’t in control of the relationship. These two have both different values and different personalities, so it’s hard for them to get too close and feel like they have a real connection.
Taurus and Taurus Compatibility: More than most other signs, Taurus’ values are very important to them. Having someone with the same values (loyalty, consistency, comfort) already starts this relationship off on a good food. These two people know how to take care of each other and they have a super solid foundation knowing how trustworthy the person they love is.
Taurus and Gemini Compatibility: A Taurus prizes loyalty and stability above all else, which feels stifling to any Gemini they date. Similarly, a Taurus finds Gemini’s ways chaotic and unpredictable. These signs stress each other out!
Taurus and Cancer Compatibility: This has the potential to be one of the best matches in the Zodiac. Taurus and Cancer are similar people with complementary values. They will enjoy building a happy home life together, having an extremely loyal and supportive partner, and spoiling each other with physical touch, comforting meals, and endless affection.
Taurus and Leo Compatibility: Jealousy will be a big problem in this relationship, as a Taurus will never be comfortable with Leo’s need for attention. The Taurus will never feel like they are able to relax and the Leo will feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells.
Taurus and Virgo Compatibility: What most people describe as “boring” this couple will describe as “ideal”. They are on the same page about many things in life from finances to where they want to be in 5 years. They will support each other and make each other feel fully confident in the relationship.
Taurus and Libra Compatibility: There’s a lot of potential for jealousy in this relationship, but it can work if the Libra babies the Taurus a big and always makes it known that they are their #1 priority. Initially the Taurus will think the Libra is too flashy, but as soon as they are exposed to their softer side they will be won over. Similarly, the Libra will love the sturdy foundation the Taurus provides.
Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility: This is arguably the worst combination of any two signs. This pair just seems to bring out the absolute worse in each other. Like a tornado coming into each other’s lives and just ruining everything about the other person. There are some people who just shouldn’t be together and this duo is toxic.
Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility: These signs make great friends as they can appreciate fun and indulgence together, but they don’t often make great couples. People born under Taurus tend to want to settle down while Sagittarians tend to want to drift around. They aren’t naturally suited to complement each other.
Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility: Taurus and Capricorn are natural allies. The both love to indulge in the finer things in life, are ambitious, and like to show off a little bit. They fit together well and can be a very happy “power couple”.
Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility: This is an unlikely pairing of people who see the world very differently. Aquarians wacky ideas can feel exhausting for the Taurus, while the Taurus can feel too boring for the Aquarius.
Taurus and Pisces Compatibility: This is a wonderful match pairing a dreamer (Pisces) with a realist (Taurus). They both prefer a laid back lifestyle and know the other person needs to be supported and loved. They will have one of the happiest home lifes and be a couple with an unshakeable bond.
How To Attract A Taurus
To attract a Taurus, you simply just have to do something thoughtful for them. Pay attention to their needs, emotional and physical, show them that you are also an empath. When a Taurus sees how kind and compassionate you are, they melt, and they often open up and start to reciprocate that kindness. When you prove to them just how thoughtful you are, they trust you more and see you as a suitable mate that will compliment their nurturing side.
How To Know If A Taurus Like You
When a Taurus likes you, they will ask you for your thoughts on a lot of things, and they will engage you in stimulating conversation. They are a nurturer, so if you see them getting protective over you, it is a good sign that they are fond of you and want to keep you safe. They appreciate your small quirky details, and will notice things that others don’t about you. When a Taurus makes fun of you, know that it is good natured, and it is their playful way of showing interest. A Taurus will always compliment the apple of their eye, and can be extremely sweet when they admire someone. It is unfortunate, because they often fear that their sensitivity will lead them to be rejected or hurt. If you notice a Taurus doing any of the above, nurture them back. Make them understand that you too are interested, because they can discourage themselves and end up guarding their advances.
What A Taurus Is Like In A Relationship
In a relationship, a Taurean is very traditional in the sense that they will love going out on dates. However, they are also homebodies, so a lot of your time will be spent cuddling up to them in bed and watching movie marathons with them on the couch. A Taurus will fight to maintain a good relationship, and will put in a lot of effort when it comes to someone they love. A Taurus will make you feel secure and cared for in a relationship, and will always fight to protect your heart and your feelings. However, they can be stubborn, so it is very important to nurture good communication early on, as to ensure the easily hurt bull doesn’t get offended or guarded when you bring up something that disappointed you or made you angry.
Taurus Ideal Date
A Taurus loves the finer things in life, and also adores going out to eat or try new beverages. Therefore, taking them on a wine tasting or a beer tasting would be an absolutely wonderful date. Tasting wine, eating delicious food, and enjoying the environment around them will appeal to every sensual side of the Taurus, while complimenting their need for physical stimulation as well.
How A Taurus Is In The Bedroom
A Taurus is quite harmonized in bed. They tend to be very sensual and deep, but they can also be very direct and dominant. If they had to choose, they would always pick “making love” rather than just having sex or getting the deed over with. They want to feel loved in bed, and refuse to hook up casually. They adore neck kisses, deep embraces, closeness and romance in the bedroom, and are known to be very sexually charged, magnetic lovers.
How Taurus Deals With Heartbreak
A Taurus hates change. They absolutely despise it. If they have been in a relationship for a long time, it will also take a long time for them to get accustomed to being single again. They will often suffer from extreme insecurity and hurt when they have their heart broken, feeling unworthy of love during the healing process. However, Taureans have a way of putting up a very deceiving front, and will often keep all of their sad and dark feelings inside of them in order to maintain their nonchalance. Taureans often suffer from heartbreak behind closed doors, and they can feel so intensely that they shut down completely when rejected or mourning the loss of love.
How Taurus Is As Friends
When you have a Taurus as a best friend, they are the perfect travel buddy. They will never say no to a road trip of a fun little beach vacation. A Taurus will bring to your friendship their calm nature, and they will give the best advice. Their ambition and their creativity will inspire you, and ignite your passions. The great thing about a Taurean best friend is that they will appreciate you and accept you for your faults, rather than judging you for them.
How To Gain The Respect Of A Taurus
The most impressive thing for a Taurus is someone who is simply just honest and real. They hate fake people. They love reliable presences in their life, and will respect those who are not flakey. Gain huge points with a Taurus by letting them do their thing, at their own pace — they hate to be rushed, and really appreciate people who let them take their time.
How Taurus Is When They’re Mad
A Taurus will never blow up on you right away. When mad, they will often give you subtle, passive aggressive hints. They will become silent and cold, keeping everything in until it boils over and causes them to explode with emotions. Physical creatures, they often use their body a lot, pacing and waving their hands, exhausting themselves in an angry fit. However, it is very hard to upset a Taurus, as they tend to be rational and just don’t want to disturb any harmony.
How Taurus Is When They’re Sad
When sad a Taurus will isolate themselves. They will turn to binge eating and sleeping, and they will always play the victim in any situation. This allows for them to further turn into their comforts, and justify their descent into negative indulgence.
Simple Things That Make A Taurus Happy
A Taurus is happiest when they are eating good food. A simple night in with someone they love, eating treats and watching movies, is something they cherish.
Taurus At Their Best
A Taurus holds within them extraordinary potential, and they are extremely strong individuals. They take life as it comes, and always find a way to roll with the punches. They are kind, very friendly, intelligent, funny creatures who hold within them a rare and beautiful sensitivity. They are revered by many different groups of people and are impressively creative.
Taurus At Their Worst
A Taurus has a tendency to deny any and all responsibility when it comes to tough situations or problems. They never want to deal with anything, and will ignore their faults. A Taurus also doesn’t have a very strong backbone when it comes to sticking up for themselves, so they will try to get out of issues to avoid conflict. This causes a lot of anxiety for them, and creates more problems in the long run because they are always taking the easy way out.
What Taurus Fears The Most
A Taurus is very grounded and reliable, they crave harmony in their life. Therefore, they are terrified of being outside of their comfort zone, and they fear inconsistency the way some people fear physical things like snakes or spiders. The idea of being challenged comfort wise causes acute problems for a bull, like chest pain, and emotional meltdowns.
Taurus Likely Occupations
A Taurus is a very steadfast and stable human being. They work extremely hard when it comes to guaranteed payoffs like vacations, benefits, and great job security and salaries. They are determined, honest, and patient when they need to be, and they have a great approach to solving problems. Dependable and great leaders, Taureans would make amazing educators, lawyers, and designers. Because they are creative and love material things, they are often known to be very successful working with food, jewelry and other luxury items.
Taurus Likely Health Concerns
Ruled by the throat, Taureans often suffer from throat infections, goiters and problems with their thyroid.
Where To Take Taurus On Vacation
An ideal vacation for a Taurus involves comfort. They need to be pampered, taken care of, and they also need to experience delicious food and beautiful surroundings. Taking your Taurus to wine country and booking out a swanky hotel room, complete with spa and room service, would be an amazing vacation idea because it compliments every aspect of a Taurean personality.
Taurus Learning Style
A Taurus is a very sensual learner. Therefore, they need a multitude of educational aids, like music, video, taste, touch and smell. They are very hands on, and learn by being exposed to the actual material they are learning about, rather than just reading about it in a textbook.
Taurus Humor
A Taurus is very observational. They don’t even realize they are being hilarious because they take from their environment and simply build off of its momentum. They never have a problem with laughing at themselves, and are often the first to make a witty joke about something they did or a blunder they experienced.
Taurus Favorite Pastime
A Taurus loves to go on adventures, write, and act. However, they also love to do makeup and can often be found perusing the internet in need of tutorials and fun things to try out.
What To Say To Motivate Your Taurus
Some people might call you stubborn, but you simply just know what you believe in, and that is rare these days. You are headstrong, and you have faith in your mind and your emotions. Don’t let anyone tell you how to think or feel. You’re extremely intelligent, you are strong, and when you trust yourself you are unstoppable. Keep pushing yourself to make all of those beautiful dreams a reality.
If A Taurus Were…
A Starbucks Drink: Cinnamon Dolce Latte
A Colour: Earthy Brown
A Greek God: Dionysus — the God of wine, parties, festivals and indulgence
An Addiction: Binge Eating
An Alcoholic Beverage: Red Wine
A Drug: Ecstacy
In A High School Clique: Artsy Kids
A City: Paris, France
A Harry Potter House: Hufflepuff
An Untranslatable French Word: Péripatéticien — the constant wanderer
A Kiss: Romantic
A Teen Movie: Sixteen Candles
A Clothing Item: Sweatpants
A Famous Landmark: Big Ben
A Season: Fall