Everything You Need To Know About The Sagittarius In Your Life
Sagittarius lovers adore sex in odd places. They are adventurers, and adding a little bit of spontaneity to their physical antics energizes them.
Sagittarius is a friendly sign who get along with everyone. They are travelers and class clowns who are almost always affable people. They may not be the most mature of partners, but they can always make you laugh.
Sagittarius Dates
November 22 – December 21
Sagittarius Sign
Sagittarius Ruling Planet
Sagittarius Zodiac quality
Sagittarius Element
Sagittarius Positive Traits
Funny, Adventurous, Curious
Sagittarius Negative Traits
Shallow, Flighty, Immature
Sagittarius Personality
Those who are a Sagittarius symbolize a growing human spirit. They represent liberation, optimism, and the refusal to sell themselves short to details and the status quo. They always see the bigger picture.
A Sagittarius will often use their philosophy to solve problems in social situations. They want to help and get straight to the heart of the matter when they see issues arrive. They tend to encourage people to see the best side of things, and are very optimistic.
For a Sagittarius, honesty of intention and belief are strong principles which they apply to themselves as well as to others. But although they generally have a peachy outlook on life, they usually get caught up in disputes due to their idealism.
A Sagittarius will often be a forever student, exploring the world and trying to figure it out one spontaneous trip after the other. They crave knowledge, and often find it tucked away in hard to reach places.
A Sagittarius is revered in the Zodiac for moving around so much. They cannot stay in one place, nor can they sit still. Rarely bored, these people often seek out new ways to express themselves and their overactive mind.
Sagittarius Compatibility
Sagittarius partners are very independent and very honest. They need someone in their life who will be able to come and go with them. The Sagittarius needs a partner that will know when to stay back, and who will know when their love needs a partner in crime. An Aries will always be up for wandering, and they are fiercely independent so they will never feel left out when Sagittarius needs to explore. An Aries Sagittarius relationship is also filled with optimism, which will allow for it to stand the test of time.
Sagittarius Compatibility Chart
Sagittarius and Aries Compatibility: These signs make a fun-loving couple who are always making each other laugh. They have a ton of inside jokes and prefer to keep things in their lives light and happy. They have a big circle of friends and are always planning fun things for everyone to do.
Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility: These signs make great friends as they can appreciate fun and indulgence together, but they don’t often make great couples. People born under Taurus tend to want to settle down while Sagittarians tend to want to drift around. They aren’t naturally suited to complement each other.
Sagittarius and Gemini Compatibility: This pair fall very hard for each other. It’s the love they each remember in their lives. While it starts off as a healthy relationship where everything is balanced and reciprocated, a Sag begins to emotional rely too heavily on a Gemini that a Gemini ends up resenting them and calling it off. They walk away still with a lot of respect but for a Sagittarius it’s the hardest heartbreak they will get over in their life.
Sagittarius and Cancer Compatibility: It’s hard to see why these two signs would get together as they don’t have similar values or personalities — but they also are both laid back and like to avoid conflict, so they don’t fight a lot as a couple. With the right two people, this could be an easy relationship celebrating the lighter side of Cancer and the deeper side of Sag.
Sagittarius and Leo Compatibility: This is a fun-loving couple that get along well and typically have zero drama. They understand and appreciate each other’s nature and would rather spend time doing than talking. They tend to be a busy couple who don’t spend a lot of time at home.
Sagittarius and Virgo Compatibility: This can be a good opposites attract relationship as the strengths and weaknesses of the two are complementary, and they aren’t so opposite that they will drive each other crazy. A Sag will force a Virgo to have fun, and the Virgo will make sure the Sag doesn’t fall off a cliff somewhere.
Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility: This is an outgoing couple with a lot of friends. They will try new things together, do a lot of activities, and generally be a positive presence in each other’s lives, but the lack of mental and emotional connection will leave the Libra feeling a bit lonely.
Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility: Each sign is very stubborn but they never stop fighting for each other. Even though they have strong personalities it seems to work with each other because they make such a good team and really do support each other. Problems occur between this pair when one becomes too stubborn to apologize.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Compatibility: Sagittarius gets along with their own sign really well. There won’t be anyone there to mother them which can get them into trouble, but they don’t really value having things work out perfectly anyway so it’s not a big loss. They’ll have a lot of fun, not fight, and be a laid back couple that always does exactly what they want to do.
Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility: These signs are not alike in what they value or in personality type. They truly do not like fundamental things about who the other person is or what they want and will quickly grow resentful of each other and bicker a lot.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility: This is a good match as both signs are curious explorers. They won’t hold each other back and they’ll be happy partners exploring ideas and the world together.
Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility: Emotionally this combination balances each other out very well. They each are hopeless romantics and wear their heart on their sleeve and they respect that about each other. They are empathetic and understanding and truly vibe with what each are feeling and trying to be what each person needs in the relationship. The only problem that occurs in this type of relationship is the level of high intense emotions between the two is sometimes too dramatic, they need someone a little bit different.
How To Attract A Sagittarius
To attract a Sagittarius, all you have to do is share your passions with them. Talk to them about your dreams and all of the things you want to achieve. Tell them about your hobbies, your wildest thoughts, your fantasies and all of your achievements. They will feed off of your ambition, and they will want to be part of the life you are creating for yourself. If you can meet them with the same enthusiasm for their own dreams and goals, they will not be able to resist you.
How To Know If A Sagittarius Likes You
If a Sagittarius likes you, you can expect that they will try to make you laugh. They will go out of their way to make you smile. They will be playful with you, and they will try to impress you with all of their funny skills and odd behaviors. If a Sagittarius really likes you, they will stutter and act shy around you — something that rarely happens with a Sag. Expect to be complimented a lot when you are being courted by a Sagittarius.
How A Sagittarius Is In A Relationship
In a relationship, a Sagittarius is often very energetic and inquisitive. They are the adventurers of the Zodiac, and they have a very open minded approach to life and partnerships. They will want to wander, it is within them to do so, and they will always search for the meaning of life in their travels, so they are extremely important to them. It will be very difficult to get a Sagittarius to settle down, and they often favor open relationships. They adore change, and they crave it in order to feel good about themselves, so being tied down is something that will only cause them to feel burdened and trapped.
Sagittarius Ideal Date
If you want to bring a Sagittarius on a kickass date, bring them on a hike. Outdoorsy Sagittarius will enjoy being in nature, and they always get really overwhelmed when inside. Catering to their need to explore and find adventure, taking them outside of stuffy restaurants and apartments is key, and they will appreciate your thirst for wandering.
How Sagittarius Are In The Bedroom
Sagittarius lovers adore sex in odd places. They are adventurers, and adding a little bit of spontaneity to their physical antics energizes them. They will initiate sex whenever they get the urge, and they will pay no mind to where they are. They are kinky, and will try harder in bed when they really like you.
How Sagittarius Deal With Heartbreak
Sagittarius is a truly independent sign in the Zodiac. Though they do care about being heartbroken, they truly will not dwell on it, and they will never let it hold them back. Due to their fleeting tendencies in relationships to begin with, Sagittarius will move on quickly and find a new, exciting, adventurous conquest to ease them into a new chapter.
How Sagittarius Are As Friends
If you have a Sagittarius as a friend, you are guaranteed to have a lot of fun. They are adventurers, explorers and they are in love with freedom and liberation. They will always be up for exciting things, and are the kinds of friends you want by your side when you travel and find new places to dig your feet into. Sagittarius pals are adored for bringing the unexpected to other people’s lives, and friends that are easy going and not needy are embraced by the wide-eyed Sag.
How To Gain The Respect Of A Sagittarius
To impress a Sagittarius, stimulate them. They appreciate and respect people with goals, and will always admire those who have explored the world.
How Sagittarius Are When They’re Mad
When mad, Sagittarians get angry flare ups, and use hurtful words to really burn people. If you upset a Sagittarius, they will unfriend you from all social media immediately. They will also do so in real life, often ignoring people who have slighted them and pretending like they don’t even know them at all.
How Sagittarius Are When They’re Sad
When sad, a Sagittarius gets very emotionally tired. This lethargy actually turns physical when the sadness increases, and they often resort to substance abuse to feel alive. They are escapists, and will run away at the drop of a hat in order to feed their soul and shock it back into feeling happy again.
Simple Things That Make A Sagittarius Happy
A Sagittarius loves having fun friends around them, and will always say yes to an adventure. Exploring makes them truly happy.
Sagittarius At Their Best
At their best, a Sagittarius is extremely loyal, strong and faithful to their beliefs. They have a variety of interests and they are extremely diverse human beings. They will always make something work because they will never give up when things get tough. They are experts at moving on, and they can rebuild themselves time and time again whenever things turn sour due to their incredible strength and independence.
Sagittarius At Their Worst
At their worst, a Sagittarius will simply hear what they want to hear, and this can often cause them to disregard others and the feelings they hold. Sagittarians often interrupt people, and they don’t allow others to get many words in, which makes people feel inferior and upset. They can take things too far, and they never pick up on the fact that they have hurt others — they are extremely oblivious.
What A Sagittarius Fears The Most
Due to their neverending energy, a Sagittarius often fears being controlled. They desire to explore, to adventure and to live as freely as possible. They are terrified of settling for a life that is not filled with all of those things, and they cannot stand the idea of being trapped in mediocrity.
Sagittarius Likely Occupations
Ethical, full of energy, and extremely insightful, Sagittarians are amazing decision makers and make very easy going bosses. Due to their spiritual tendencies, and their connection to nature, a Sagittarius is often well equipped for a career that deals with the environment, or animals. A job that puts them outside, or one that allows for them to travel the world, is a big bonus for a Sagittarius. They would make amazing coaches and tour guides, because they would not be tied down by those careers — they could do them anywhere in the world, manifesting their need for freedom and flightiness.
Sagittarius Likely Health Concerns
Sagittarius is ruled by the thighs and the sciatic nerve. The best way to keep themselves healthy would be to exercise often, while focusing primarily on the legs and the back as much as possible. Leg cramps and back pain can often occur when a Sagittarius is bogged down in normal life, so they must get out into nature to unwind and relax.
Where To Take A Sagittarius On Vacation
A Sagittarius is known to be one of the most adventurous signs in the Zodiac. They will completely immerse themselves in the culture of another country. They will blend in with locals, learn new languages, and so on. They often choose airbnbs and camping over hotels, and need a place that offers them a lot of stimulation. A place like South Africa would be an amazing fit for a Sag, because it offers a one of a kind outdoor experience.
Sagittarius Learning Style
A Sagittarius is the philosopher and adventurer of the Zodiac, so they need a lot of hands on learning experienced. Field trips, and cultural exchange programs are amazing options for a Sagittarius who is wanting to increase their knowledge.
Sagittarius Humor
A Sagittarius will turn everything into a funny joke or a hilarious story. They have observational and sarcastic moments when it comes to humour, and those harmonize well to make these easy going Sags the life of the party when they get rolling.
Favorite Pastime For A Sagittarius
A Sagittarius loves hiking, listening to music, and they adore hanging out with friends on an adventure.
What To Say To Motivate Your Sagittarius
Please understand that you do not have to destroy yourself in order to feel better. You are so fun to be around, you hold adventure within you unlike any other. People want to be around you, you have a way of captivating them. Don’t get addicted to that, though. You have the ability to be alone, you are strong enough to stand on your own. You are strong enough to go on your own adventures, to make your life your own. Go out and live for yourself.
If A Sagittarius Were…
A Starbucks Drink: Skinny Vanilla Latte
A Colour: Magenta
A Greek God: Hestia — Goddess of the hearth
An Addiction: Gambling
An Alcoholic Beverage: Sake
A Drug: PCP
In A High School Clique:Gamer Kids
A City: Honolulu, Hawaii
A Harry Potter House: Slytherin
An Untranslatable French Word: Spleen — boredom and dissatisfaction
A Kiss: Addictive
A Teen Movie: Easy A
A Clothing Item: No clothes for a Sag. They love being naked/barefoot.
A Famous Landmark: Statue of Liberty
A Season: Fall