Kirill Vasilev

Everything You Need To Know About The Aries In Your Life

An Aries is insanely flirtatious, and they will always take initiative when it comes to romancing the person they are interested in.


Aries are an adventurous people who love to experience new things. They are true individuals who will forge their own unique way forward and aren’t likely to slow down for anyone. People born in this sign will be confident, entertaining, and tend to tell the best stories to the group. Read on for everything you’ve ever wanted to know about Aries.

Aries Dates/Summary

Aries dates/sign

Aries Personality Traits

An Aries is very primal in nature due to being born as the first sign in the Zodiac. They tend to resist analysis or attempts to explain them, and represent the ego and free will in its purest form.

An Aries is energetic and commanding, fiery and prophetic. They are referred to as the dynamo because they are so progressive and compelling. They will always simply choose to exist how they are, rather than try to understand why they feel what they do and act how they do through the eyes of others. This self assured nature causes an Aries to become upset and overwhelmed when people do not see them the way they see themselves.

Like young children, an Aries often tends to be spontaneous, frank and open, but also self-centered and willful. Also like a child, they approach the world with an optimistic innocence.

Known to be natural adventurers, an Aries will always feel a strong impulse to explore. They are also very fond of being the star wherever they go, and they shine very brightly in social situations. Their ego never needs the approval of others, as they are so self assured, but they do demand that those around them pay attention to them, because they know how much they have to offer others. An Aries that does not slow down, and introspect on their actions and feeling, often runs the risk of breaking down emotionally when their self-confidence is undermined by those who do not listen, or give them the time of day.

Always known to be physical, the competitive Aries will need to explore their limits in order to feel like they are growing. They always need to be in action, and prefer it over introspection. They will not ruminate over a problem or a situation, they will swiftly try to problem solve and quickly deal with everything the best way they see fit. When their attempts produce bad results, or if they are delayed in any way from jumping into action, an Aries will suffer. This is often why they choose to withdraw from life periodically, giving them the ability to study and figure out a problem from a distance, with no risk of being talked out of action or convinced that they are wrong.

An Aries has a very, very strong desire to lead. However, some people born on this month manifest that desire and do not take the right steps to nurture it. Some will feel so strongly about being first, and they will not focus on being a leader, which causes them to come off as selfish and unfit. This causes them to feel frustrated, and even guilty. They will often hold within them a very intense form of self pity. However, when an Aries takes their leadership skills, and puts aside the need to bolster through life, they are truly the most idealistic, original and successful sign of the Zodiac.

Aries Compatibility

An Aries is very loving, curious, thrilling, and outspoken. They are best suited for people who will know how to cool them down when they get a little too fiery. However, they cannot be restricted, so they are most compatible with a sign that is a great balance of independence and compassion. A Gemini will bring an Aries all of the vitality and adventure they need in a relationship, while still appealing to their need for knowledge and their inquisitive nature.

Aries Compatibility Chart

Aries and Aries Compatibility: Aries and Aries will have a solid foundation of fun and friendship. They will challenge each other and know how to keep the other one interested, but they’ll lack the balance and depth of being paired with someone who complements then rather than replicating them.

Aries and Taurus Compatibility: An Aries will be annoyed that homebody Taurus likes to relax more than adventure out into the world, and the Taurus will be annoyed that they aren’t in control of the relationship. These two have both different values and different personalities, so it’s hard for them to get too close and feel like they have a real connection.

Aries and Gemini Compatibility: Aries and Gemini make an exciting couple that is always out of the house doing something fun together. They are the opposite of the “Netflix + Chill” homebody couple. Their Instagram feed makes most people exhausted, but they love living an active, adventurous life together.

Aries and Cancer Compatibility: This is a difficult relationship as the Aries will always feel slowed down by their Cancer and the Cancer will always feel like they can’t relax around the Aries. They have different values and different dispositions — and not necessarily in a complementary way. However, with the right people this relationship can work — the Aries will inject excitement into the Cancer’s life and draw them out of their shell and the Cancer will help the Aries venture into their own minds and get in touch with their emotional needs.

Aries and Leo Compatibility: Aries and Leo are natural allies and make great friends. They love to try new things together, go on adventures, be silly, and challenge themselves. As a couple, they’d have the most jealousy-inducing Instagram of all time.

Aries and Virgo Compatibility: This is a natural pairing of two complementary people. The Aries will pick the adventure, and the Virgo will plan it out. They will challenge and balance each other and genuinely make the other person’s life better.

Aries and Libra Compatibility: This is a relationship of two Alphas which can make it pretty challenging, but when it works they are a force to be reckoned with. They will be a power couple with a lively (and large) group of friends they adore.

Aries and Scorpio Compatibility: This is a toxic combination. Each hotheads. Each get angry very quickly. And each are very competitive. They each strive to be the dominant ones in relationships and fight for power. They each come across as overly confident and a little too blunt sometimes so the things that do come out of their mouth when fighting aren’t nice.

Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility: These signs make a fun-loving couple who are always making each other laugh. They have a ton of inside jokes and prefer to keep things in their lives light and happy. They have a big circle of friends and are always planning fun things for everyone to do.

Aries and Capricorn Compatibility: There’s not a lot that Aries and Capricorn have in common, and both types aren’t the kind of person to slow their roll for someone else. Capricorn is more conservative and wants to protect what they put out into the world more than Aries look-before-you-leap nature allows them to. Aries’ least favorite thing in the world is feeling like someone is holding them back, so they’ll struggle with Capricorn trying to control them.

Aries and Aquarius Compatibility: These two will get lost in conversation with each other a lot, they have nights where they stay up until the sunrise talking long into their relationship. They’re on the same mental level and they both have a lot of interests and things that excite them. They’ll be able to build a solid foundation of friendship to build a relationship on.

Aries and Pisces Compatibility: This combination isn’t the strongest as they struggle in communication. A Pisces might drop hints about what they want and need but they will never straight up say it. An Aries needs that clarity which they don’t get. In a relationship with a Pisces one has to be able to read people very well but with an Aries they seem to overlook that. This couple fails because each person just can’t figure out or fake being what the other person needs.

How To Attract An Aries

An Aries needs to chase the apple of its eye, so the best way to attract one would be to play hard to get. Not only will this peak their interest, it will cater to their need for competition. Getting you as a prize will be rewarding, but be sure to give them the chance to catch you. If not, the Aries will get discouraged and move on to a fresh, new conquest.

How To Know If An Aries Likes You

An Aries will try to touch you a lot if they like you, so expect a lot of hugs. As a naturally competitive person, you will be challenged by an Aries. If they like you they will want you to prove yourself by playing one of their games, so accept the challenge and stand your ground. If an Aries gets upset or jealous when they see you flirting with someone else, you can be sure that they are interested in you. An Aries will often think about you, and will therefore ask you questions about your day; they will want to know what is going on in your general life. This is their way of keeping up with you, and showing an interest in you. However, the great thing about an Aries is that they will often just tell you that they are fond of you — they tend to be quite straightforward.

What Aries Are Like In A Relationship

An Aries is insanely flirtatious, and they will always take initiative when it comes to romancing the person they are interested in. They are filled with passion and a need for adventure, and they bring a lot of excitement and energy to a relationship. Once in love, an Aries will be committed for life. The best, most long lasting relationships for an Aries always incorporate spice and activities that keep their fire burning. Every single day with an Aries will be different and filled with thrills, and they will make sure that their love will never be boring or average.

Aries Ideal Date

An Aries is the epitome of spontaneous, so a surprise trip would be the absolute best date in their books. They admire people who help them to experience new things, so changing up their routine and doing something out of the ordinary is always exciting for an Aries. Choose a place they have never been, and don’t plan anything. Explore together, learn together, and simply have fun living in the moment. They will absolutely love it.

Aries In The Bedroom

An Aries will keep you guessing. Always. You will never know what they are going to do next, and they tend to be quite bold, rough and dominant. Due to their competitive nature, they will like to challenge themselves in bed, and won’t stop until they please you.

How Aries Deal With Heartbreak

An Aries will never admit that they care when a relationship ends. However, they truly do. Underneath their strong, brash nature, is an underlying lack of confidence and a fear that they may be unworthy of love. They will work to convince everyone around them that they are doing just fine, and they will often commit to a lot of new things in order to forget about how hurt they are.

How Aries Are As Friends

Having an Aries best friend means that you are going to have a lot of fun, as they are the epitome of playful and adventurous. The most normal, boring day will turn into something spectacular with them. Highly observant, nothing will ever get past an Aries, so do not deceive or lie to them. Befriending an Aries means that you are in store for a loft of sarcastic, witty humour, and though they may joke around a lot, an Aries will always respect and appreciate you. They are some of the most loyal friends in the Zodiac.

How To Gain The Respect Of An Aries

An Aries love a straight shooter, and an independent person. If you have a life outside of your friendship or relationship with an Aries, they will respect you deeply.

How Aries Are When They’re Mad

Aries are babies, to put it bluntly. They will explode and never think about how their words and actions affect the people around them. They will never sugar coat their feelings, and will often verbally hurt people they care about in order to protect their pride. If an Aries is angry with you, simply staying quiet and not reacting to their reactive state is the best possible way to cool them down. They will calm down quickly, and they will often feel extremely guilty for getting out of hand.

How Aries Are When They’re Sad

You know an Aries is sad when they don’t get worked up about things that would normally make them angry. As a very reactive person, when sad an Aries will skip the rage, and often turn to impulsivity. They will be noticeably toned down, with less vigor, and less energy than usual.

Simple Things That Make An Aries Happy

An Aries loves being listened to, especially when they don’t ask for it. They like when people take notice of what they need. When they don’t feel very good about themselves, being around a good friend, or doing something athletic, will always make an Aries happy.

Aries At Their Best

An Aries is knowledge seeking, and a born leader. They are so much more than they appear to be, and will always be able to take on many roles and forms in their relationships. They will always be the happy, optimistic one when things get tough, and inspire people in that sense to see the bright side of things.

Aries At Their Worst

An Aries tends to be rude. They revert to using bad language and insults when provoked in any situation, and will always play the devil’s advocate. They tend to use their strengths in the wrong ways, which is why they are often so internally conflicted.

What Aries Fear The Most

An Aries is conflicted all the time. They want adventure, but they also want peace. They don’t want a boring life, but they want to make sure that their relationships and companionships are long lasting and not just fleeting. Their insecurity causes them to live in perpetual fear of being broken up with, or left by a best friend.

Likely Occupations For Aries

An Aries is extremely competitive and strong willed. Their vibrant nature and enthusiasm allows for them to excel in commission based jobs. Their impulsive tendencies often cause them to be fearless and brave, setting them up to be police officers, firefighters, and other everyday heroes. An Aries would also make an amazing entrepreneur, soldier, or politician.

Likely Health Concerns For Aries

An Aries is ruled by their head. Therefore, they are prone to headaches and very painful migraines. An Aries on the go is often stressed, prone to accidents, and their bodies are usually beat up and in need of rest.

Where To Take An Aries On Vacation

An Aries will always enjoy going somewhere they have never been. However, they are so competitive, they often want to vacation somewhere under the radar. If you want to take an Aries on vacation, take them to an obscure island — somewhere you can barely find on a map. Make sure this place boasts a lot of things to physically challenge the Aries, like mountains, cliffs, etc.

Aries Learning Style

An Aries learns through their experiences. They jump right into unchartered territory, and that impulsivity teaches them everything they need to know. As a sign that thirsts for knowledge, an Aries will never back down from learning something new.

Aries Kind Of Humor

An Aries has a very goofy and physical approach to humour. They are extremely witty and are some of the funniest people in the Zodiac.

Aries Favorite Pastime

Anything athletic, or competitive. An Aries is also fond of singing and joking around — karaoke is a guilty pleasure!

What To Say To Motivate Your Aries

Don’t ever forget just how strong you are — in your mind, in your emotions and physically. You have the ability to move mountains with your heart, and your words, because you operate on such a level of extreme passion. Don’t ever lose touch of that. You are capable of so much, and you will always come out on top if you just remind yourself of that every single day.

If An Aries Were…

A Starbucks Drink: Eggnog Latte
A Colour: Bright Red
A Greek God: Zeus — King and father of the Gods. The Ruler of lightning, thunder.
An Addiction: Caffeine
An Alcoholic Beverage: Vodka & Redbull
A Drug: Steroids
In A High School Clique: Jocks
A City: Chicago, Illinois
A Harry Potter House: Slytherin
An Untranslatable French Word: Cartonner — something that has had huge success
A Kiss: Rough
A Teen Movie: Mean Girls
A Clothing Item: Leather Jacket
A Famous Landmark: Mount Everest
A Season: Summer


Aries Dates

March 21 – April 19

Aries Sign


Aries Ruling Planet


Aries Zodiac quality


Aries Element


Aries Positive Traits

Energetic, Independent, Adventurous

Aries Negative Traits

Self-centered, Shallow, Rude

About the author

January Nelson

January Nelson

January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.