Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Stop Putting Up With These 6 Narcissistic Behaviors

They need constant praise. If you choose anyone over them, even yourself and your own mental health, there’s going to be hell to pay. You’re not allowed to place other friends, family members, or even pets above them.

Why You Should Never Stop Acting Clingy

You probably aren’t as clingy as you’ve been led to believe. Some people will act like your behavior is unacceptable because your strong feelings are making them uncomfortable.

6 Signs You Should Stop Trying To Repair The Relationship

Sometimes, relationships can be repaired with enough tough conversations and compromises. Sometimes, communicating will at least give you some sense of closure. Other times, dealing with this person is not worth the headache they will give you.

For The Humans Who Feel Unloved

For a moment, let’s set aside the fact that you’re probably more loved than you realize. You might not be in a relationship, but someone could be crushing on you from afar.