Holly Riordan
Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.
For The Humans Who Feel Unloved
For a moment, let’s set aside the fact that you’re probably more loved than you realize. You might not be in a relationship, but someone could be crushing on you from afar.
8 Types Of People Who Don’t Deserve Your Time Or Attention
People who make you feel guilty about doing what’s best for yourself. You need to put your mental health first. If others don’t understand your needs, it’s not your problem.
Poor Communication Will Weaken The Strongest Relationships
Communication is one of the most important pieces to a strong, healthy relationship. Love isn’t enough. Effort isn’t enough. You need to feel like you can talk to your partner and encourage them to talk to you.
7 Little Ways You Are Unintentionally Hurting Yourself
You’re lying to yourself about your happiness. It’s one thing to put on a fake smile and lie to the rest of the world. It’s even worse when you refuse to acknowledge the truth yourself.
Always Love Someone Loyal
You don’t want to find yourself trapped in a relationship where you’re always on alert.
It’s Better To Give Up On Your Relationship Than On Yourself
You shouldn’t stay in a relationship where you’re miserable or lonely or neglected. If you want to try to make the relationship work for a while, that’s wonderful, but you need to stay realistic.
I’m Slowly Learning That Change Is The Only Constant In This World
Change isn’t always negative. Sometimes, it’s exactly what you need in order to grow into the best possible version of yourself. It gives you the opportunity to see new places, meet new people, and explore uncharted sides of yourself.
6 Signs That You’re Wasting Your Time On The Wrong Person
This person is directing their effort elsewhere. You know they aren’t lazy because they can put in the work when the time is right. The problem is, they’re not putting in the work with you.
7 Signs Someone Is A Total Energy Vampire
You feel emotionally drained after every conversation with them. This person is always involved in some sort of drama. They always have a problem with a friend, a partner, a relative, or a coworker.
I’m Tired Of Trying So Hard And Still Getting Screwed Over
I’m tired of trying so hard to be a good person and getting it thrown back in my face. I’m tired of people treating me in the most hurtful, heartbreaking ways.
Your Anxiety Won’t Scare The Right Person Away
The right person might not understand your anxiety, but they will accept that it is a part of you. They won’t hold it against you. They won’t vilify you over it.
In The Modern Era, It’s Pretty Impossible To Get Over Your Exes
It’s so much harder to get over your exes when social media exists. Even though you should mute (or delete) their accounts, the temptation to check in on them is overwhelming.
6 Types Of Toxic Texts That Show You Deserve Better
Texts demanding that you prove where you are. If your person trusts you, then they should believe you when you tell them you’re out with your friends or are busy working.
Here’s Why Humans With Soft Hearts Struggle With Modern Dating
Soft hearts struggle with modern dating because their clinginess can be seen as a weakness. In reality, it’s proof that they care. It’s insurance that they have feelings for you and aren’t afraid to admit it.
If They Love You, You Should Not Have To Stress About These 7 Things
You shouldn’t have to stress about them cheating. If they love you, they’ll express that love in a million little ways. They’ll never leave you wondering whether their feelings for you are fading.
Your Worst Days Do Not Define You
Your worst days don’t define you. Yes, you’ve gone through tough times. No, you haven’t always responded in the best possible way. However, you should never let your past define you.
Don’t Date Them Because You Are Lonely
Don’t date them because you feel uncomfortable carrying the single label into your late twenties or thirties.
7 Toxic Types Of First Dates That Should Not Lead To A Second Date
Dates where they’re doing all the talking. If they’re genuinely interested in your life, then they should be asking questions. They should be trying to learn more about you.