Holly Riordan

Holly is the author of Severe(d): A Creepy Poetry Collection.

Real Love Should Feel Comfortable

When you’re with your person, you should feel at home. Like you can be yourself. Like there’s nothing you need to hide, no feelings you need to censor, no truths you need to deny.

Chase Your Dreams Today, Not Tomorrow

You need to move past your insecurities and explore your full potential. It’s what you would encourage your friends to do, so why aren’t you giving yourself that same push?

Don’t Let Heartbreak Convince You To Hide Away

Just because one person wasn’t able to see your potential doesn’t mean that every other relationship will end the same way. Just because one person tricked you into feeling comfortable before leaving doesn’t mean the next person will repeat the process. Every love is different, so don’t let this relationship taint the ones you’ll develop in the future. 

Keep Going, Even When You Feel Hopeless

You’re going to have moments when you feel like everything is coming together and moments when it feels like everything is falling apart. This is normal. This is what it means to be human. 

7 Reminders When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

You’ve been in a similar headspace before. And you’ve gotten through it. It might not have been easy, but you made it until today. And that was the old you, who wasn’t armed with as much wisdom and experience as you are currently.

10 Signs This Relationship Is For Real

You never question whether your person is going to leave, whether they’re going to cheat, whether they care less than you care. You know your person is in love with you because they show it in a million little ways every single day.

I Hope You’re Doing Okay (But Don’t Expect A Text)

I hope you’re doing okay, but that doesn’t mean walking away was an overreaction. It doesn’t mean I regret anything that happened between us. It doesn’t mean you were right all along or that you deserve an apology. It doesn’t mean that you were innocent, after all.